Mars Retrograde In Gemini 2022

Mars began its retrograde process on October 30th/31st and will last until January 12th/13th. This occurs approximately every two years, with the previous one happening in the second half of 2020. Some of its themes could have started seeding since early September when the pre-retrograde shadow began.

When a planet is retrograde, it appears to be moving backwards in the sky due to its position relative to Earth’s position. It is a period of re-working how we orient ourselves with the energies of that specific planet, in the sign it is in, and how it interacts with our personal astrological blueprint (one’s natal chart). The most significant retrogrades are those of the personal planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars.

Mars: Assertion, Willpower, Competitiveness, Desires, Sex, & Aggression

During this retrograde, the circumstances, challenges, and developments that occur can ultimately help us to redirect ourselves and adjust in the areas, themes, and expressions ruled by Mars. Most predominantly, this will influence how we assert our energy, willpower, motivations, and desires.

It can be a good time to pursue or experiment with things that you have already been considering prior to this, or revising your approach to something that has already been put in place. If so, keep in mind that your efforts may not pan out the way you think which is okay and part of the process. The areas of your life being affected may require continued revision or adaptation throughout the retrograde and perhaps into post-retrograde period lasting until March.

Mars is also associated with vigor, muscles, force, masculinity, sex, competing, fighting, weapons, surgery, aggression, anger, and physical energy overall. Issues and complications pertaining to these things can become more apparent over these coming months. This may also be a time in which some people can get more easily irritated or angered, (more probable later in the retrograde) but with this being internalized or expressed in a passive-aggressive way. A build-up of inner tension can eventually be expressed outwardly, if this applies to you, it would be wise to find a healthy way to release it.

Some of the frustrations that occur during the retrograde could be as a result of things not flowing smoothly, directly, or due to what seems like wasted efforts.. If this happens to you, it would be good to consider that something needs to change with the way you are applying yourself and pay attention to signs showing up in your life at this time. It is usually more probable that this occurs when taking new initiatives, but not in every case.

Similarly to Mercury retrograde, it can be productive to revisit projects or efforts that were initiated in the past. It can also be a good time to go more inward than usual and be self-reflective in what you need to be doing differently. However, none of this will make you immune to Mars Retrograde related complications which ultimately serve a purpose in helping you redirect your energy in a more appropriate way.

Mars Out Of Bounds, Ruler Of Previous Solar Eclipse

Mars went ‘Out of Bounds’ on October 23rd and will stay like that until May 4th/5th, nearly four months after the retrograde ends. A planet is ‘out of bounds’ when it goes beyond the invisible boundary in the sky in which the Sun travels in, from our vantage point on Earth. This is generally a time when its themes and ruled areas can get expressed in unusual, unique, independent, unconventional, explorative, innovative, and even creative ways. A planet being ‘Out of Bounds’ can reflect going into new territory beyond limiting constructs.

Interestingly this retrograde begins in between two eclipses, with the previous one occurring in Scorpio which is traditionally a Mars ruled sign. A part of a longer term astrological backdrop is that we are going through evolutionary changes and shifts when it comes to how we work with Scorpio themes and this Mars retrograde is tied into this process. You can read more about that Eclipse here.

Mars Retrograde In Gemini

Much of what was written in the above sections will apply in ways that are under the domain of Gemini as well as how it overlays with one’s personal natal chart based on the time and location of birth. Gemini is an Air sign and therefore could mitigate potential issues pertaining to anger, as this element is more objective and detached in comparison to the others.

Since early 2021, we have had Mercury Retrograde occurring primarily in Air signs, with the final installment of this series finishing early October. However this nearly two year period, known as the ‘Mercury Air Elemental Year’ is still in effect until early January after Mercury begins its next retrograde in an Earth sign. This has been a period of re-orienting ourselves in ways that pertain to Air, mainly socially, mentally, and intellectually. This Mars retrograde will contribute to this process as this elemental year is in its final stretch.

In Gemini, this retrograde is primarily a  process of redirecting or revamping how we apply ourselves that could involve information, knowledge, data, perceptions, thoughts, communication, speech, language, cleverness, curiosity, inquisitiveness, and things of a dualistic nature. Furthermore, it can contribute to shifting negative behavior that is duplicit, gossipy, opinionated, fickly, overly talkative, and scattered.

Gemini is also associated with writing, learning, working with the hands, siblings, cousins, neighbors, neighborhood, and LGBT+ orientations. When it comes to the physical body, it correlates with the arms, shoulders, lungs, and nervous system. Considering this, it is possible that some people may experience periods feeling high strung over the coming months. On a social and geopolitical level, expect to see an increased emphasis on issues and discussions pertaining to free speech, journalism, censorship, facts, and misinformation, which all fall under the domain of Gemini.

Mars Square Neptune, Trine Saturn, & Sextile Chiron

Mars is applying a square with Neptune in Pisces during the first three weeks of this retrograde until it peaks November 18th-20th when it is exact. This can create confusion or uncertainty around how to apply ourselves. Similarly to some general themes of Mars retrograde, this can feel like our efforts aren’t going far. We may have to contend with issues, conflicts, or personal behavior pertaining to weak boundaries, elusiveness, avoidance, guilt, escapism, intoxication, deception, or self-sacrifice.

Under this energy we may pursue things that are unattainable, unrealistic, or involving an illusion of some sort. This can also play out when it comes to relationships and sexual pursuits. There is a higher probability of being more scattered, overly idealistic, or sloppy in how we apply ourselves.

However this can be good for revisiting efforts that involve creativity, imagination, visual media, compassion, spirituality, mysticism, healing, or water. This can also be supported with Jupiter going stationary direct in late Pisces during the second half of November. Although this has the potential to inspire in these ways, there is still a high probability of not seeing things clearly.

Mars then retrogrades towards a trine with Saturn in Aquarius which is strong throughout the final week of November. Our efforts and motivations can be oriented around long term goals, responsibilities, or commitments. This can help us to be more cautious and realistic in comparison to the previous weeks. Considering it is retrograde, this energy can be more fruitful if we are revisiting efforts that were already initiated prior. Yet, whatever we are doing during this period can help shape how we need to proceed after the retrograde concludes.

Throughout December, Mars will be applying a sextile to Chiron in Aries until the 18th-20th when it is exact. Although this energy isn’t particularly strong, it can reflect actions that involve healing, resolving, seeking solutions, bridging, addressing pain, or that are holistic in nature. For some, this may even be good for learning something that can have a positive effect on how we may re-assert or express ourselves over the following months.

What To Reflect On During Mars Retrograde

Do you need to make adjustments in the way you express your thoughts, opinions, ideas, or perceptions? Is there anything that you have been considering revisiting or revising? Are any of your efforts being thwarted or facing complications? If so, should you try a different approach, go in a different direction, or reconsider altogether?

Will analyzing data and going over certain types of information help to improve any of your efforts? Is there anything that you’d like to experiment with that involves communication, speaking, writing, language, knowledge, or working with your hands? Is duplicitous behavior on your part, or among your relationships, creating any sort of problems or conflicts?

These are some examples of what to reflect on during this time. The retrograde ends on January 12th/13th. From that point on until mid-March, the areas of our lives that have been affected during the retrograde may begin to go more smoothly following revised or redirected actions.

Written by astrologer Carmen Di Luccio

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