Full Moon In Aries 2022

We are having a Full Moon in Aries which will be exact on October 9th at 8:55pm Universal Time. It will appear the fullest that night for the majority of the world, and on the night of the 8th for those in Hawaii. This is the peak of the Lunar cycle which began two weeks prior with a New Moon in Libra on September 25th.

The energies of a Full Moon builds up as the Moon increases its light and is strongest during this lunar climax as well as in the days before and after. However, it will still be a part of the backdrop over the following two weeks. Full Moon’s are a period in which we feel a push-pull between two opposing signs, in this case being the Moon in Aries and Sun in Libra. It can reflect either a conflict or integration of both signs.

We can feel this opposition happening individually within us and/or we can also experience it play out around us with some people (or circumstances) expressing the Libra side and others expressing the Aries side. In some cases, Full Moon’s can also reflect/trigger some sort of release or change.

Full Moon In Aries Opposite Sun In Libra, A Week After Mercury Went Direct

Libra season began on September 22nd/23rd and will last until October 22nd when the Sun goes into Scorpio. Libra is a relationship oriented and intellectual Air sign ruled by Venus. It is associated with cooperation, diplomacy, fairness, justice, relating, balance, equality, peace, harmony, aesthetics, art, codependence, consideration of others, and finding common ground.

Libra is compromising, sociable, creative, charming, communicative, and is about weighing out different sides as it is symbolized by the scales. Negatively, it can be indecisive, impractical, insincere, superficial, vain, overly judgmental, passive aggressive, and people pleasing.

The Full Moon highlights and brings the energies of the opposing sign of Aries into this Libra backdrop and can manifest as some sort of discord between the themes/expressions of each. The Moon sign can reflect more of our feelings, subjective nature, instincts, and what emotionally drives us.

Aries is a self oriented and energetic Fire sign ruled by Mars. It is associated with independence, individual needs, leading, pioneering, and taking charge. Aries is assertive, courageous, initiating, instinctual, direct, quick, and bold. Negatively, it can be too aggressive, impulsive, impatient, selfish, hot-tempered, combative, brash, restless, overly competitive, and inconsiderate.

This Full Moon is also occurring a week after Mercury ended its retrograde and has been gradually moving forward since then. During this previous week and over the following week is a period in which we can start to get more clarity in relation to its themes, developments, and circumstances that have come up over the last month.

This retrograde was mostly in Libra and therefore part of it may be about realizations or understandings pertaining to relationship/relating issues/dynamics, or perhaps connected to the other Libra themes mentioned in the first two paragraphs of this section. Perhaps the energies and manifestations of this Aries Full Moon period (mentioned in this section or below) might play a pivotal role in this process.

This Mercury retrograde was also in Virgo which may have also affected our perception of things pertaining to work, productivity, health, service, efficiency, systems, organizing, cleaning, pets/animals, or other things that are related or similar in nature. Keep in mind that much of our experience of the astrology at any given time also depends on how it all interacts with your natal chart based on your birth time.

Full Moon Conjunct Chiron and Opposite Venus

This Aries-Libra opposition brings Chiron (conjunct the Moon) and Venus (conjunct the Sun) into the Full Moon equation. When Chiron is expressed in a disempowered state, it is associated with dilemmas, wounds, blockages, negative patterns, pain, and suffering. When empowered, it is expressed in a way that can facilitate healing, wholeness, spiritual growth, tapping into gifted abilities, finding innovative solutions, creativity, teaching, and learning. It is about holistic understanding, the  integration of different parts, or bridging different things like talents, traits, qualities, situations, people, groups, and so forth.

Considering that Chiron and the Full Moon are in Aries, we can see it play out as themes pertaining to insecurity, self-doubt, and can also highlight aspects of ourselves or circumstances that are fragmented without taking the ‘whole’ into consideration. It can also create situations that can aid in self-awareness, self-discovery, and self-confidence. It can bring forth understandings of one’s personal needs and how that pertains to the whole of one’s life, or in relation to situations outside of oneself.

With this Chiron-Moon-Aries dynamic in opposition to the Libra Sun and its ruler Venus, these Chiron qualities along with personal subjectivity can be at odds with our relations, values within relationships, harmony, money, aesthetic/artistic matters, or consideration of others/situations. In some cases there can also be some sort of integration between these two sides. In whatever way this energy plays out for you it may help to push some sort of necessary change, decision, or release.

Full Moon Sextile Saturn and Aries Ruler Mars, Mars in Pre-Retrograde Shadow Period While Square Neptune

This Full Moon is also in harmonious configurations with Saturn and Mars (the ruler of this Full Moon). Mars in Gemini has been in a trine with Saturn in Aquarius in recent weeks, and more so in the days following the last New Moon. However this Full Moon ties in this energy again and weaves it into some of the other themes mentioned in the above sections.

This is great for applying ourselves in a way that is determined, constructive, and committed. Our actions could be based on consideration of the long term and what’s important. However, there are few things to keep in mind. Mars is in a square with Neptune as it is slowing down to go retrograde at the end of the month. Although we may be getting things done, or intending/attempting to, Neptune in the mix can create some challenges.

Our endeavors can be faced with issues stemming from unreliability, uncertainty, confusion, delusion, or lack of organization. This combined with a pre-retrograde Mars can potentially result in some wasted efforts or perhaps things done incorrectly. However this plays out, it’s good to take into consideration that we are going through a period of revamping how we apply ourselves in certains areas of life. Some of the issues that are coming up now, recently, or over the coming weeks and months will play a part in that process.

Pluto Is Now Stationary Direct, In T-Square With Full Moon, Scorpio Solar Eclipse Looming

At the time of this Full Moon, Pluto has just ended its retrograde and is at a near stop as it gradually starts moving forward again. Therefore during this transition period over the last week and into the coming week, Pluto energies are really strong and there can be some shifts in connection to this planet. Pluto is also in a wide square with the Full Moon (and Sun) and is its last aspect while in Aries.

Pluto is associated with empowerment, transformation, purging, sex, desire, as well as the process of death and rebirth. It rules areas of finance such as investments, debt, taxes, insurance, inheritance, and shared resources. Pluto also represents obsessions, jealousy, compulsive behavior, intensity, shadows, dark drives, manipulation, deeply repressed feelings, the underworld, and destruction.

Conflicts around power or power struggles may also play out which may be connected to Aries-Libra themes mentioned above, which could even come up strongly from October 18th-20th when Pluto squaring the Sun and Venus. This is all happening as we are approaching a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio which has the same themes as Pluto and can already be affecting us. I will be writing a separate article on this upcoming eclipse, join my mailing list here to ensure that you receive my content.

Venus Superior Conjunction Following A Square With Pluto, Saturn Going Direct

Venus is slightly behind the Sun at this Full Moon as it approaches an exact conjunction with it on October 22nd/23rd at the tail end of its home sign of Libra. This is what is known as its ‘Superior Conjunction’ and is a significant part of the Sun-Venus cycle which happens approximately every one and a half years when it is in forward motion.

This pivotal period of this cycle is connected to Venus matters that have been playing out since Venus’ previous retrograde (late 2021 to early 2022) and up until now. Symbolically, this period is seen as a ‘purification’ or ‘transmutation’ of Venus as it passes through the purifying fire of the Sun and then begins to travel ahead of it from our geocentric perspective.

It can manifest as endings, beginnings, and or even some sort of climax to the Venus related themes or experiences that we have had throughout this year. This process can also play out in the weeks before and after October 22nd/23rd. Also, the next Solar Eclipse will occur days after this while it is aligned with Venus, and therefore some of things coming up now can also be a part of astrological backdrop over the coming months.

Venus rules friends, social life, love, relationships, romance, feminine energy, values, money, aesthetics, artistic pursuits, beauty, sensuality, or things we do for fun and pleasure. As it begins to travel ahead of the Sun (from October 22nd/23rd onward) we can have more clarity, realizations, or sense of purpose around the Venus related circumstances or developments that have been playing out.

Prior to this Superior Conjunction, Venus is in a square with Pluto on October 19th/20th which can contribute to the potentially transforming/clearing quality of the Superior Conjunction. Things can get revealed as repressed feelings or hidden matters may come to the surface. Issues around power dynamics may also be a theme.

At the time of this conjunction, Saturn will be stationary as it changes from retrograde to direct. During this period, as well as in the week before and after, we can experience a shift in Saturnian related areas which may or may not be connected to the Venus matters mentioned. Also, Saturn qualities will be extra potent in general during this period.  Saturn rules commitment, responsibility, discipline, mastery, restrictions, limitations, and boundaries. It is realistic, conservative, practical, consolidating, reliable and cautious. It can even represent our career, ambitions, and putting in the effort to reach our goals.

Things To Consider

What are your personal needs and how can you make these work in your relationships? What are your relations showing you and how can you respond in a way that isn’t self sacrificing yet still considerate?  What aspects of yourself or your relationships do you need to purge or transform? Do you have any wounds, patterns, insecurities, or blockages that are getting in the way of achieving harmony within you and your relationship with the world outside of yourself? What can you do to feel more empowered? Are you looking at the ‘whole picture’ or are you stuck within a narrow or one-sided perspective?

These are just some examples of themes that could come up during this period; however, there may be other variations of this energy playing out as well.  If you wish to do any sort of intentional release connected to what has come up at this Full Moon, it is best to do so anytime over the two weeks following when it is waning. The exact moment of this Full Moon is at 8:55pm Universal Time on October 9th. You can click here to see what that is in your time zone.

Written by astrologer Carmen Di Luccio

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