New Moon In Libra 2022

We are having a New Moon In Libra on September 25th in the Western part of the world, and in the earlier hours of the 26th in the East. This is initiating a 29.5 day lunar cycle bringing in a new wave of energies and themes for the coming month on top of some of the longer term astrological influences. However, the astrological configurations mentioned in this article will be more prominent over the following two weeks. This cycle will culminate with a Full Moon in Aries on October 9th/10th.

This New Moon is occurring within days following the Equinox (autumnal in the Northern hemisphere, Spring in the South) which is always when Libra season begins, as per the Tropical Zodiac. Equinoxes (and Solstices) are significant periods as they are the points in which the seasons change as we enter the next (cosmological) quarter of the year based on the Earth-Sun relationship.

Energetically these periods have a transitional vibe reflected by the change towards longer nights and shorter days in the North and vice versa in the South. Symbolically this three month (and three sign) period of the year is associated with death, decay, and release due to astrology’s origins in the Northern Hemisphere in which the Fall season takes place. This is also reflected by the midpoint of this quarter-year occurring when the Sun is in Scorpio. Having a New Moon in close proximity to the Equinox accentuates the already transitional energy at this time.

New Moon In Libra with Mercury Retrograde Partially In The Same Sign

This New Moon occurs during Mercury Retrograde which is occurring mostly in Libra and partially in Virgo. This period is good for working with and co-creating with the energies and themes of this sign. The retrograde here also reflects a time of re-aligning, adjusting, re-visiting, and perhaps perception changes connected to it as well. Much of this also has to do with how it is configured with one’s personal natal chart based on the time of birth.

As an Air sign, Libra is associated with knowledge while being socially and mentally oriented. Ruled by Venus, Libra is about relating and relationships as it has a big focus on others. It is diplomatic, considerate, compromising, polite, while seeking common ground, balance, equality, and fairness. Although Libra energy ultimately pursues peace and harmony it also reflects retaliatory actions that are equitably motivated and justice seeking. Art, aesthetics, beauty, and style fall under this sign as well. Negatively, Libra can be overly codependent, passive aggressive, superficial, insincere,  indecisive, vain,  judgemental, or people pleasing.

This Mercury Retrograde is the final of a series that has been primarily in Air signs since early 2021. This nearly two year period has been a time of realigning, recalibrating, revamping, and adjusting the expressions/areas of life that fall under the Air domain. This element is about the intellect, the mind, objectivity, and logic. It is also associated with social dynamics/aspects of our lives, including communities that we engage with. This process will still somewhat continue until December.

This specific retrograde began on September 8th/9th, with the themes potentially beginning in the weeks prior. It will technically end on October 2nd with the conclusion of this retrograde playing out over the two weeks following that. The retrograde period is a time to embrace insights/realizations and consider potential changes/circumstances that are either affecting us directly, felt internally, or observed externally. The post-retrograde period (after Mercury starts to pick up speed in forward motion from October 5th onwards) is a time to take more decisive action and progress forward as a result of what has come up for you.

New Moon Opposite Jupiter In Aries

This New Moon’s tightest aspect is an opposition with Jupiter in Aries, which will be most potent from the time of this lunation until September 27th. This can bring an energy that is expansive, educational, philosophical, wise, broadminded, worldly, religious, optimistic, and perhaps lucky in some cases. It can favor actions pertaining to sales, media, marketing, teaching, or travel. Situations or circumstances in which one’s beliefs are involved can also be a manifestation of this.

However, considering that it is an opposition this can also play out in ways in which we apply ourselves in an excessive, overly idealistic and unrealistic way. We can also overextend ourselves by taking on more than we should.

We can more easily have blind spots, especially with Jupiter in Aries. Considering that this opposes a Libra lunation, we may find ourselves in a situation in which there is a need to look at different sides or take different things into consideration. This can come about through conflicts/disputes with others or realizations that we may have. The Libran need for balance, fairness, and consideration of others/situations/circumstance may be at odds with personal opinions, judgemental behavior, or expansive actions that may be self-oriented/concerned or combative.

Libra Ruler Venus Conjunct Mercury Retrograde, Trine Pluto

Venus, the ruler of Libra, will be aligned with Mercury Retrograde in Virgo as they both trine Pluto in Capricorn. This will be strongest from the moment of this New Moon until the 27th. This can be good for social interactions and reconnecting with friends. Communications or thoughts around values, money, aesthetics, tastes, pleasures, or relationships may come up. In Virgo, themes around work, duties, productivity, service, or health might be in the mix as well.

The aspect with Pluto can add depth or bring up things pertaining to investments, resources, evolution, transformation, regeneration, empowerment, fears, sex, death, power, control, authorities, obsessions, secrets, jealousy, taboos, or letting go of something. Hidden matters may come to the surface and this can also be a good time for investigating or uncovering things. Issues connected to shadow qualities, abuse, or authoritarianism may also be some potential themes at this time.

Saturn In Aquarius Square Uranus In Taurus

Saturn in Aquarius was in an exact square with Uranus in Taurus at different points in 2021. Throughout 2022 they have been in somewhat close proximity to a square although not as strong and exact as the previous year. However, they are now approaching their closest aspect since late December of 2021 which will be the most potent from October 1st until the 12th, but can still somewhat extend beyond that.

This reflects tension and challenges between Saturn and Uranus themes or expressions. Saturn is traditional, conservative, serious, rational, and cautious. It rules commitments, maturity, responsibilities, limitations, restrictions, the status quo, the established order,  and structures. It is about patience, practicality, discipline, and boundaries.

Uranus is freedom seeking, detached, revolutionary, radical, rebellious, progressive, reforming, idealistic, unconventional, inventive, innovative, futuristic, and scientific. It represents new technology, discoveries, surprises, disruptions, and separations.

This configuration can play out as ‘old versus new’, ‘restrictions versus freedom’, ‘the status quo versus revolution’, ‘commitments/responsibilities versus liberation’, ‘elder versus youth’, ‘progressiveness versus tradition’ and so forth. This can also be a time of integrating Saturn and Uranus such as applying new, technological, scientific, or metaphysical approaches to help us with our work.

In some cases we can express a certain mix of combined Saturn-Uranus themes and be at odds with a different mix of these energies. Depending on the variables, this can potentially lead to contradictions or hypocrisy.

Throughout 2021 and in early 2022 this has manifested strongly in a big way on a collective scale in response to covid related measures in different parts of the world. It still somewhat played out later in 2022 with farmers protests in Holland and abortion related protests in the USA, combined with other astrological factors. Now we are seeing this energy manifest itself with the revolts in Iran. I would expect this energy to intensify in October when this aspect gets closer, especially with Pluto going stationary around the same time leading up to the upcoming Full Moon in Aries on October 9th/10th. This energy can potentially manifest in new ways as well.

Mars Trine Saturn In Pre-Retrograde Shadow

Mars in Gemini is in a trine with Saturn in Aquarius at the time of this New Moon and peaks from September 26th to the 29th. This can be good for applying ourselves in a focused, disciplined, responsible, structured, and committed way. Considering the long term can be something that motivates our actions or our decisions around them. For some people, efforts involving obligations, communications, information, intellect, social matters,  or pertaining to elderly people may be the theme.

Mars will be going retrograde in late October and already began its pre-retrograde shadow period in early September. Certain endeavors, ideas, applications, and activities that we have either been thinking about, have already begun, or plotting (in September and October) could go through a process of adjustment, experimentation, or fizzling out during the retrograde process from November until mid-January. Generally, Mars retrogrades are periods of recalibrating how we direct our energy and apply ourselves, and the experiences during that time will help in that process. I will be covering this more in future content, join my mailing list here to ensure that you are notified of my work when published.

Making Intentions & Things To Consider

What is coming up for you regarding relationships? What can you do to improve your relations with others? Is there any part of your life that requires more balance? How can you or others be more fair, diplomatic, or considerate? What does justice look like to you? Is there something that you want to improve aesthetically? In what ways would you like to expand and grow? What needs to get done at this time and what kinds of actions will benefit the long term? Do you need to consider different sides of a situation before having a firm opinion or judgment?

These are just some examples of what to consider or focus your intentions on at this time; however, it is good to reflect on anything else that is coming up for you. It is generally best to make any intentions within the first 24 hours following a New Moon. The exact moment of it will be occurring at 9:55pm Universal Time on September 25th. You can click here to see what that is in your time zone.

Written by astrologer Carmen Di Luccio

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5 thoughts on “New Moon In Libra 2022”

  1. This is great!

    It’s fascinating to think that Collective Evolution brought you to my attention at the very beginning of this two-year Mercury Retrograde cycle in 2021. I’ve always been curious about astrology but never shown enough dedicated interest to really learn it.

    I type-up a journal entry every day on the laptop, and have noticed the way that my life flows with these cosmic energies. The way that you break it down into precise dates has led me down a path of self-discovery and you have my gratitude. I’ve cleared some major mental hangups during this event with your guidance. Thank you for sharing this information.


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