Solar Eclipse In Libra: Shifts In Relationship Dynamics

We had an Annular Solar Eclipse, also known as a ‘Ring of Fire’ Eclipse, in Libra on October 2nd/3rd. The maximum eclipse occurred at 6:45 PM Universal Time on October 2nd, with the exact moment of the New Moon following closely at 6:50 PM Universal Time. As a partial eclipse, it was visible from regions including Hawaii, eastern Oceania, parts of southern and central South America, small portions of Mexico (notably parts of Baja California del Sur and Jalisco), and even parts of Antarctica. The Sun was most eclipsed in Southern South America, with the ‘path of annularity’ (visible as a ‘Ring of Fire’) occurring in parts of Argentina and Chile.

A Solar Eclipse is a more potent type of New Moon, with its significance being far greater. Eclipses reflect shifts and developments of an evolutionary nature that can start to unfold up to six weeks prior and last until the next eclipse season, generally six months later. Eclipses only occur when the Sun and Moon align near the Lunar Nodes—the intersections of their paths.

This eclipse is part of a series in the Aries-Libra axis that began in Spring 2023, meaning we’ve already been experiencing eclipse energies in these signs. This marks the final one in Libra, with the final eclipse of this whole series happening in Aries on March 29, 2025. This current eclipse season (Sept/Oct 2024) and the following one in March 2025 overlap with a new series on the Pisces-Virgo axis, which started with the recent Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17/18 and will continue through February 2027.

South Node Solar Eclipse in Libra

This Solar Eclipse falls in the sign of Libra, highlighting themes of balance, relationships, partnerships, diplomacy, and justice. Ruled by Venus, it governs aesthetics and social dynamics. It seeks equilibrium and fairness, encouraging us to approach life with grace and mutual respect. However, when out of balance, Libra’s energy can express itself as indecision, lack of action, superficiality, unhealthy codependency, people-pleasing, or a tendency to avoid confrontation to maintain peace at all costs.

This eclipse is occurring near the Lunar South Node, placing more emphasis on release and moving beyond negative qualities of Libra that may be holding us back. However, it can bring both endings and beginnings related to Libra energies and themes. South Node eclipses often push us to let go of old patterns, behaviors, or relationships that are no longer serving us. In Libra, this can manifest as a reassessment of the ways we engage in relationships—romantic, professional, or social—and how we maintain harmony in our lives. We may feel a strong pull to move away from or shift unbalanced dynamics, making space for more authentic and fulfilling connections.

Solar Eclipse Conjunct Mercury & Black Moon Lilith, Square Mars

This Solar Eclipse in Libra forms a conjunction with Mercury, which recently had its Superior Conjunction with the Sun on September 30th/October 1st. As Mercury now travels ahead of the Sun, it brings forward insights and revelations that may have emerged in the days prior to this eclipse and/or will emerge in the following weeks. Superior conjunctions often bring clarity around things that have been playing out in recent months and are part of the aftermath of Mercury’s previous retrograde. Things that surfaced around the time of this conjunction and in the days following may now be woven into the unfolding story of this eclipse over the coming half-year.

Considering that Mercury is conjunct a South Node eclipse, we may be tasked with adjusting or releasing outdated thoughts, mindsets, or communication patterns that no longer serve us. The insights surfaced during Mercury’s Superior Conjunction may have given us indications connected to the shifts and changes reflected by the eclipse.

Adding to the potency of this eclipse is its conjunction with Black Moon Lilith, an astrological point that represents themes of rebellion, raw emotional expression, and unfiltered desires. Lilith can represent the shadow side of human nature, as well as the parts of ourselves that resist societal norms or are rejected by the conventional world. When unbalanced or unexpressed constructively, this energy can manifest as alienation, rage, power struggles, manipulation, self-sabotage, or recklessness.

This eclipse offers an opportunity to release or shift Lilith expressions that are no longer serving us. Whether it’s destructive behavior, repressed resentment, shame, or feelings of isolation and unworthiness, the eclipse highlights what needs to be purged for growth. In Libra, this can be tied into relationships, fairness, and justice—especially where power dynamics and self-worth are concerned. Black Moon Lilith’s presence here can be about confronting and shifting negative expressions of this energy. This eclipse offers a chance to transform Lilith’s energy from one of inner conflict to empowerment, helping us embrace both our individuality and our relationships with clarity and authenticity.

This eclipse is also square Mars, which is in Cancer and about to enter its pre-retrograde shadow period a few days later, on October 4th/5th. Its square to the eclipse can bring about a need to take action, but it can also stir up frustrations, as Mars will be going retrograde from December 6th/7th until February 23rd/24th, mostly in Cancer and partially in Leo. This will be a recalibrating, revising, and/or revisiting period when it comes to how we apply ourselves, and its square to this eclipse emphasizes a strong Mars-themed backdrop over the coming months.

Venus, Ruler of Libra, in Scorpio & In Grand Trine with Mars, Saturn

The ruler of Libra, Venus, plays a significant role in this eclipse. Venus governs love, relationships, beauty, and values. In this grand trine with Mars and Saturn, Venus brings intensity and depth to matters of the heart. It encourages us to seek meaningful connections and align our values with our actions.

This Venus is part of a water grand trine with Mars and Saturn, creating an emotionally charged flow of energy. Mars adds a protective quality, pushing us to act on our desires and assert ourselves, especially in areas related to emotional security. The harmonious connection between Venus and Mars reflects applying ourselves in ways that support our relationships, values, or financial endeavors, which can help tackle the Libra-related issues reflected in this eclipse. Saturn’s presence in the trine helps us approach relationships and goals with responsibility and maturity. Saturn reinforces the importance of boundaries, discipline, and commitment, guiding us to approach these areas with a realistic and long-term perspective.

Things to Consider

What dynamics in your close connections need to shift for greater harmony? Are there issues of imbalance, unfairness, or unhealthy codependency that need to be addressed? What insights or realizations have come up in the days surrounding this eclipse? Is it time to rethink how you communicate in relationships? Do you need to address limiting or negative mindsets that are obstructing your growth or creating issues in your connections with others? Are any shadow qualities surfacing that are asking for transformation or release? Are there repressed aspects of yourself that need expression? Are you dealing with feelings of rejection? If so, do you need to be more bold and courageous in addressing them? How can you constructively overcome frustrations or defensiveness?

These are just some examples of themes that could come up during this period and in the months ahead. There may be other variations of this energy at play as well. This isn’t a time to set intentions but rather to tune into the energy of this period and embrace the evolutionary process that eclipses facilitate. The maximum eclipse and the New Moon occurred hours before this article was published.


Carmen Di Luccio is a practicing astrologer who has been studying astrology for 17 years and working with clients for 12 years. His forecast articles were featured in from 2015 until 2021 and were among the most read astrology content on the internet. Carmen has been a guest on many podcasts and other media throughout the years. He specializes in readings and consultations for individuals, businesses, and entrepreneurs to help them navigate the astrological influences and achieve greater alignment with the best version of themselves. 

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