New Moon In Taurus: Innovative Exploration

We are having a New Moon in Taurus on May 8th, 2024 at 3:22 am Universal Time, which will fall in the later hours of May 7th in North America. This is initiating a 29.5 day lunar cycle that is ushering in different themes and planting seeds for the coming month. The astrological configurations highlighted in this article will be particularly influential over the next two weeks. This cycle will culminate with a Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 23rd, 2024.

Taurus season began on April 19th/20th, with this New Moon further accentuating its energies. This is the sign of stability, resourcefulness, and the tangible. Taurus is associated with material possessions, comfort, and sensory pleasures, emphasizing the value of patience, persistence, and practicality. It governs realms such as personal finance, agriculture, food, nature, art, and quality things. 

Ruled by Venus, Taurus energy also exudes a love for beauty, harmony, and indulgence, often drawing its energy towards the cultivation or pursuit of aesthetic environments. This sign is deeply rooted in the desire for security and enjoyment of life’s physical pleasures. It fosters dedication, reliability, and a methodical approach to life. 

Negatively, Taurus can be overly stubborn, materialistic, and resistant to change. It often prefers routine to risk and may struggle with inertia when pushed towards making changes. As a sign that cherishes the concrete and the real, Taurus may overlook possibilities that lie beyond the immediate and tangible.

New Moon Conjunct Uranus, Jupiter, Venus, and Sextile Saturn In Pisces

This New Moon is in a closer applying conjunction with Uranus and Jupiter while in a wider conjunction with Venus which are all co-present in Taurus. It is also forming a harmonious sextile with Saturn in Pisces. This combination of aspects brings together a mix of potential surprises, expansiveness, along with some practicality and realism thanks to the Taurus and Saturn influence. 

The conjunction with Uranus which brings a strong current of innovation, surprises, and shaking things up. This Uranian influence may also encourage breaking free or rebelling from limiting or restrictive situations and perceptions. In Taurus, this can be tied into issues pertaining to values, money, resources, self-worth, yet it can play out in other ways as well. This energy will be strongest around May 12/13/14, when the Sun makes its exact conjunction with Uranus.

Jupiter in the mix can bring potentials for expansive opportunities and experiences which may also have Uranian influences such as the examples mentioned above. This energy can enhance optimism and broaden our views. It can be an ideal time for setting ambitious goals, particularly those concerning material and financial gains. This influence will be strongest on May 17/18/19/20.

The wider conjunction with Venus, in its own sign of Taurus, accentuates Taurean themes of love and beauty, encouraging a reconnection to our values and what brings us pleasure. Venus can also soften the potentially abrupt nature of Uranus, allowing for more harmony and a smoother integration of new experiences.

This New Moon’s sextile to Saturn in Pisces is more subtle but nonetheless is still supportive by bringing in discipline and realism helping to ground the expansive and erratic energies present as per the Jupiter and Uranus influences. In some cases, developments experienced at this time may be connected to some sort of commitment, responsibilities, or long term goals. Considering that Saturn is in Pisces, our endeavors may embody themes that are spiritual, compassionate, imaginative, or creative, encouraging us to integrate practicality with empathy, the ethereal, or artistic expression in our approaches. This energy began in the two days leading up to this New Moon. 

Mercury In Aries Conjunct Chiron & Finishing Post-Retrograde Shadow

As this New Moon in Taurus takes place, Mercury in Aries is in a conjunction with Chiron, echoing the themes of last month’s Solar Eclipse in Aries which was also conjunct Chiron a few degrees away from this one. This activates the energies of that eclipse, emphasizing themes pertaining to healing, vulnerabilities, negative patterns, recovery, teaching, bridging, or some sort of integrating. As Mercury rules the mind, this energy can potentially be good for positive changes in mindset, problem solving, figuring things out, as well as adopting or cultivating holistic perceptions. This aspect began in the second half of March during Mercury’s pre-retrograde shadow and became strong again in the days leading up to this New Moon. 

Mercury in Aries is finishing its post-retrograde shadow period on May 13th. This is the conclusion phase of the previous retrograde that occurred from April 1st to April 25th, and can also bring about some sort of ‘next step’ regarding the Mercury-Chiron themes mentioned above. This combined with the fresh energy of this New Moon signifies a clearing of the haze, helping us with a clearer path forward. This timing is auspicious for moving ahead with plans or projects that may have been on hold or under some sort of reconsideration or adjustments over the last month.  

This retrograde had concluded with Mercury in a conjunction with the North Node, indicating that the adjustments or challenges faced over the last six weeks can be more directly connected to our karmic paths and future destinies. Now that Mercury has resumed direct motion since late April, our journey forward can become clearer and feel more aligned. This clarity allows us to harness the lessons learned during the retrograde, using them to propel ourselves toward new opportunities and growth aligned with the North Node’s themes of development and progression.

Venus Sextile Saturn, Mercury Square Pluto, Venus Conjunct Uranus

Venus (the ruler of Taurus) engages with Saturn in a supportive sextile aspect on May 12/13/14, bringing together Venus’s attributes of harmony, beauty, and attraction with Saturn’s qualities of structure, commitment, and responsibility. This aspect may also encourage thoughtful assessments and decisions in our relationships and financial affairs. During this time, we can experience a productive blend of pleasure and practicality, perhaps with opportunities for establishing beneficial commitments pertaining to relations, finances, resources, creativity, or values.

The Venus sextile Saturn aspect will be occurring during the same period as the Sun’s conjunction with Uranus that was already mentioned. This can add a layer of excitement and unpredictability to the mix. This conjunction often brings about sudden changes and innovations, perhaps pushing us toward new approaches to things. This dynamic aspect encourages us to break free from patterns and embrace new opportunities that may suddenly appear. This energy may or may not be connected to how the Venus-Saturn aspect plays out, but if it does, it can create a situation where commitments and breakthroughs can coexist and enhance each other.

Mercury in Taurus squares Pluto in Aquarius on May 16/17/18 which could be a period of intense and probing communications. This aspect can deeply influence our thought processes and discussions, bringing a focus on issues of control, power, obsessions, money, or perhaps some sort of transformation. This energy can add depth to our dialogues and may even stir up revelations. The square might also catalyze discussions that challenge our perceptions and how we communicate. With Mercury in Taurus and Pluto in Aquarius, our interactions and thoughts may revolve around conflicts between values, resources, stability, and issues such as collective changes, social issues, and technological advancements. 

Venus meets Uranus in Taurus on May 17/18/19, which overlaps with the ending of the Mercury square Pluto aspect mentioned above. This conjunction also occurs alongside the expansive Sun-Jupiter conjunction (also in Taurus) mentioned earlier in the article. This Venus-Uranus alignment can bring unexpected shifts, breakthroughs, or exciting developments in relationships and financial matters. It can facilitate spontaneity socially, creatively, aesthetically, or pleasurably. This can also be a period of style changes, renovations or makeovers. Sudden attractions, unique financial opportunities, or unconventional ways of expressing affection are other ways that this energy can play out. 

Developments that occur at this time can also open doors to new and unexplored territories in how we value and relate to others. The simultaneous influence of the Sun conjunct Jupiter enhances the potential for growth, exploration, expansiveness, and optimism. However, something to watch out for during this period is excessiveness and the potential for losses affecting Venus/Taurus areas of money, resources, pleasures, and aesthetics. 

Mars Conjunct North Node In Aries

As the lunar cycle gets closer to the Full Moon, Mars in Aries aligns with the North Node around May 18/19/20/21 which can again echo the themes of the conclusion of the previous Mercury Retrograde in late April. This can be a potent or karmically significant moment for assertive action towards our evolutionary path, new possibilities, or life goals. Considering that this alignment will be co-present with Chiron in the same sign, this energy can also be about taking action towards personal development which may assist us in unlocking our potentials, skills, and gifts that have been previously dormant. 

During this period, the Moon will be in Libra making a conjunction with the South Node and will then go into Scorpio. This can also perpetuate the possibility of some sort of changes or release of something that can be obstructing us from moving forward. Considering that the South Node is in Libra, it may be pertaining to negative Libra qualities that could be holding us back such as indecisiveness, excessive compromise, co-dependence, people pleasing, superficiality, or even jealousy. 

For some people, this energy can be about letting go or making necessary changes around relationships (friends, lovers, etc), partnerships, or how we engage with clients, consultants, practitioners or followers. As the North Node is in Aries conjunct its ruler Mars, there is more of an emphasis here around either the more positive or presently necessary expressions of this sign. This can be a purpose driven energy which could include emphasizing personal needs, taking initiative, leading, or being more assertive, independent, competitive, direct, bold, and courageous.

Making Intentions & Things To Consider

What has come up for you in the days leading up to this New Moon pertaining to personal healing and addressing your blockages or wounds? What realizations have come up for you in the last two weeks around how you need to move forward based on things that have been playing out in the last few months? Do you feel the need to try new approaches to things, be innovative, or step into your originality? Is there anything that you feel should be aesthetically improved? How can you bring more beauty into your life? Do you need to make any changes when it comes to financial matters and resources? What do you need to be doing differently to be more in alignment with your true values? What area of your life is calling for further expansion, exploration, education, or stepping into new territory? 

These are just some examples of what to consider or focus your intentions on at this time; however, it is good to reflect on anything else that is coming up for you. It is generally best to make any intentions within the first 24 hours following a New Moon. The exact moment of it will be occurring at 3:22am Universal Time on May 8th, which will fall on the night of May 7th for those in the Americas. You can click here to see what that is in your time zone.


Carmen Di Luccio is a practicing astrologer who has been studying astrology for 17 years and working with clients for 12 years. His forecast articles were featured in from 2015 until 2021 and were among the most read astrology content on the internet. Carmen has been a guest on many podcasts and other media throughout the years. He specializes in readings and consultations for individuals, businesses, and entrepreneurs to help them navigate the astrological influences and achieve greater alignment with the best version of themselves. 

Carmen’s Instagram

6 thoughts on “New Moon In Taurus: Innovative Exploration”

  1. Carmen, you have been missed and I for one am glad your back. You predicted that Trump would become the next president, which it was in his year of birth (The Dog), can you predict if he will win the presidency in 2024? with this year being the year of the Dragon, I don’t think he will win.


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