New Moon In Gemini: Relationship Successions & Confronting Challenges

We are having a New Moon in Gemini on June 6th, 2024, at 12:38 pm Universal Time, as the Sun and Moon meet again marking the beginning of a 29.5-day lunar cycle that will unfold with distinct themes and the planting of new seeds for the coming month. The astrological influences detailed in this article will be for the next two weeks. This lunar cycle will culminate with a Full Moon in Capricorn on June 21st/22nd, 2024.

Gemini season, having started on May 20th/21st, is now being further energized by this New Moon. Gemini is the sign of communication, curiosity, and adaptability. It is associated with mental agility, social interaction, and the exchange of ideas, emphasizing the value of flexibility, different perspectives, and learning. It is also the sign of multiple personalities, symbolized by the Twins, representing duality and the multifaceted nature of human experience. This quality allows Gemini energy to assimilate or take in different sides of a situation, and can also play out as different personalities and ways of expressing oneself. Gemini governs areas such as education, commuting, neighbors, siblings, early life relationships, immediate surroundings, communication, and communication technology. 

Ruled by Mercury, Gemini energy thrives on information and dialogue, often channeling its efforts into acquiring knowledge, sharing thoughts, and engaging in diverse experiences. This sign is driven by an innate curiosity and a desire to understand the world through communication, social interaction, and information consumption. It fosters versatility, quick thinking, and a playful approach to life with a trickster side.

Negatively, Gemini can be scattered, inconsistent, duplicitous, deceiving, gossipy, and prone to superficiality. It often prefers novelty to depth and may struggle with indecision or a lack of focus when confronted with too many options. As a sign that relishes the ephemeral and the intellectual, Gemini may neglect the deeper emotional or practical aspects of life.

During this New Moon there are also three other planets co-present in Gemini. This includes its ruler Mercury along with Venus and the recent entry Jupiter (as covered in my previous
Full Moon in Sagittarius article) which really puts an exclamation mark on the themes of this sign. This Gemini emphasis will lessen from June 17th, when Mercury and Venus change signs, until June 20th/21st when the Sun enters Cancer on the Solstice leading into the Full Moon in Capricorn.

New Moon In Gemini Conjunct Venus, Square Saturn In Pisces, Sextile Chiron In Aries

This New Moon in Gemini is in a close conjunction with Venus, which has now moved ahead of the Sun following its superior conjunction on June 4th/5th. This configuration is also forming a square with Saturn in Pisces and a harmonious sextile with Chiron in Aries. These aspects blend together to create a mix of energies that could highlight a new phase in relationship dynamics, tackling responsibilities or challenges, along with an influence that is supportive of personal growth.

The New Moon’s conjunction with Venus, at the beginning of the post-superior conjunction period, could mark developments or understandings pertaining to next steps associated with the energies and themes of this planet. As Venus gradually moves ahead of the Sun, it symbolizes a period where we can achieve more clarity and sense of purpose around things pertaining to love, relations, values, pleasures, artistry, tastes, or aesthetic matters. The superior conjunction occurred two days before this New Moon which was at the tail end of the last lunar cycle. As this energy gets seeded into this new lunar cycle while the Moon begins its waxing period, this can bring in growth, action, momentum, and more external developments compared to the days prior that had more of a concluding theme and internal qualities. 

However, this conjunction of the New Moon and Venus is tempered by a square with Saturn, which can bring challenges, obstacles, or limitations. This aspect may highlight the importance of commitment, responsibility, structure, or boundaries, and can prompt us to address long-term goals and obligations. It can also manifest as inner struggles or one party rejecting another’s perceptions or ideas. While this may create tension and a feeling of constraint, it also provides an opportunity for growth and maturity by testing our resolve and dedication. This energy will be strong from June 7th-10th, with it affecting Venus related things more strongly on June 7th/8th.

Additionally, the sextile with Chiron in Aries brings a supportive influence to this New Moon. Generally sextiles are more subtle compared to other major planetary aspects, however in this case, this aspect can be more meaningful due to the previous Solar Eclipse (which is still part of the current astrological backdrop) being aligned with Chiron. This energy is good for taking steps towards personal empowerment, coming up with solutions for any dilemmas we may have, or embracing our inner maverick. This is most prominent from June 10th-14th which will also see Mercury configured into it as well. Venus will be in the mix June 10/11/12 which can bring themes of healing, understanding, integration, or connection, around our relationships and other Venus ruled areas.

Mars Square Pluto, Mercury Square Saturn

Mars enters Taurus on June 8th/9th, and shortly thereafter forms a challenging square with Pluto in Aquarius June 10/11/12/13. This aspect can bring an intense energy that can push us to confront deep-seated issues and power dynamics. Mars in Taurus emphasizes persistence, determination, and a focus on material and practical matters. However, the square to Pluto in Aquarius can bring upheaval and compulsiveness. This alignment can manifest as power struggles, intense desires, or being very assertive and unwavering in getting what we want.

Simultaneously, Mercury in Gemini will form a square with Saturn in Pisces around June 11/12/13. This aspect brings a sobering influence to our thoughts and communications. Mercury in Gemini thrives on curiosity, quick thinking, and adaptability, while Saturn imposes boundaries, discipline, and a need for realism. This square may present challenges such as delays, misunderstandings, or a sense of mental heaviness. It is a time to be meticulous and patient, and to ensure that our plans and ideas are grounded in reality. This can offer an opportunity to refine our thinking, clarify our intentions, and address any overlooked details. Together, these two aspects highlight a period where determination, discipline, and a willingness to confront difficult truths may be required.

Mercury Superior Conjunction

Mercury will be in its superior conjunction with the Sun on June 14/15 which will overlap with the end of the sextiles with Chiron mentioned above. This is also coinciding with the beginning of the first quarter Moon phase which is generally a more action oriented part of the lunar cycle. This alignment marks a moment for increased clarity on matters that have been playing out in the last few months since Mercury’s last retrograde that occurred in April. 

As Mercury begins to move ahead of the Sun (just as Venus started 10 days prior to this), we can proceed in certain areas with a more defined perception and faster momentum. This period, and in the following days, is great for taking decisive action and making moves based on what you now know or better understand. With Mercury in its home sign of Gemini, this energy can also be helpful for communicative or intellectual pursuits.

Venus Conjunct Mercury While Square Neptune, Sun Square Neptune

As we progress further into this lunar cycle, another noteworthy event is the conjunction of Venus and Mercury (which are both transitioning from Gemini to Cancer), occurring on June 16/17/18. The conjunction of Venus and Mercury highlights the merging of our communication and relational spheres. This alignment is ideal for expressing our affections, discussing matters of the heart, and engaging in pleasurable social interactions. It is a time to articulate our values and desires clearly, fostering connections and understanding in our relationships.

However, this conjunction will also be in a square with Neptune in Pisces, potentially bringing in elements of confusion, idealism, or escapism. Neptune’s influence can blur boundaries and create a sense of uncertainty, making it wise to be discerning during this period. This aspect may challenge us to distinguish between reality and illusion, particularly in matters related to love, creativity, and communication.

The square with Neptune can also inspire creativity and spiritual endeavors, and can be a good time to explore our dreams and imagination. This energy can also reflect heightened compassion and empathy. While this can be an inspiring period, it is important to be cautious of misunderstandings or deceptive tendencies. Clarity and honesty can be helpful in navigating this aspect effectively.

As Venus and Mercury transition from Gemini into Cancer during this window, the focus shifts from intellectual curiosity to emotional depth and nurturing. This transition invites us to connect more deeply with our emotions and can bring more of an emphasis on our personal relationships, family, and home life. The energy of Cancer can bring a sense of warmth, security, and comfort into this dynamic. 

On June 19/20/21, the Sun (also transitioning from Gemini to Cancer) will form a square with Neptune in Pisces, activating some similar energies as the aspect mentioned in the previous paragraphs. This aspect can create a sense of disorientation or confusion, as it can be a time when reality might feel a bit elusive, and we may encounter challenges in seeing things clearly. This can affect different things that we are engaged with, and therefore we should take that into consideration by exercising caution.

However, similarly to the Mercury-Venus square Neptune aspect prior, this period also holds the potential for spiritual insights or creative inspiration, making it a great time for artistic and introspective activities. This aspect will be occurring as the Full Moon in Capricorn is approaching its culmination on June 21/22. You can join my mailing list here to get notified when that article and future articles are published. 

Making Intentions & Things To Consider

What new clarity or understanding have you gained about your values, relationships, attractions, pleasures, or aesthetic pursuits? How can you use this to enhance your personal connections and pursue what truly brings you joy? How can you address areas in your relationships or other aspects of life where you feel constrained or challenged? Are there any aspects of your life that require more commitment, discipline, boundaries, responsibility, or a realistic mindset? Are there new subjects or skills you feel drawn to explore? How can you exchange ideas more effectively? What changes can you implement to remain adaptable while also maintaining focus on your responsibilities? What steps can you take to improve your communication skills? Are there conversations you need to have to clear misunderstandings or express your thoughts more clearly? How can you nurture and strengthen your personal relationships?

These are just some examples of what to consider or focus your intentions on at this time; however, it is good to reflect on anything else that is coming up for you. It is generally best to make any intentions within the first 24 hours following a New Moon. The exact moment of this New Moon had already occurred at 12:38pm Universal Time (June 6th) prior to this article being published. You can click here to see what that is in your time zone.


Carmen Di Luccio is a practicing astrologer who has been studying astrology for 17 years and working with clients for 12 years. His forecast articles were featured in from 2015 until 2021 and were among the most read astrology content on the internet. Carmen has been a guest on many podcasts and other media throughout the years. He specializes in readings and consultations for individuals, businesses, and entrepreneurs to help them navigate the astrological influences and achieve greater alignment with the best version of themselves. 

Carmen’s Instagram

3 thoughts on “New Moon In Gemini: Relationship Successions & Confronting Challenges”

  1. Awesome info here for this 70 year-young Aries with Gemini Rising and Cappy Moon. Thank you, Carmen! <3


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