New Moon In Capricorn 2022

We are having a New Moon in Capricorn on December 23rd at 10:17am Universal Time. This is initiating a 29.5 day lunar cycle bringing in a new wave of energies and themes for the coming month on top of some of the longer term influences. However, the astrological configurations mentioned in this article will be more prominent over the following two weeks. This cycle will culminate with a Full Moon in Cancer on January 6th/7th.

Capricorn season began a day and a half before this New Moon, however, due to the beginning of it always occurring during the magical time of the Solstice and the Holiday season, its energies and themes generally aren’t as noticeable until days after Christmas.

This sign is associated with structure, strategy, ambitions, achieving goals, mastery, business, management, career, social status, responsibilities, duty, authority, governance, and hard work. It is cautious, worldly, conservative, and pragmatic. As an Earth sign, it has the qualities of practicality, reliability, solidity and being grounded. This element is very much orientated around the physical and material world. Negatively, Capricorn energy can be too serious, cynical, cold, controlling, and unrelenting.

New Moon Square Jupiter and Chiron, Jupiter Re-Entered Aries

Jupiter re-entered Aries on December 20th/21st with the New Moon in a close square with it. Both Capricorn and Aries are Cardinal signs which have initiating qualities. Considering that the Sun and Jupiter both entered them just over a day apart with the New Moon shortly after, this combination can bring a feeling of something shifting or beginning. Jupiter had been in late Pisces up until this point which may have felt a bit confusing, depressing, or even helpless, but now with its transition into fast moving Aries we may feel more directed in comparison.

Aries ruler Mars is still retrograde in Gemini, so although we may feel more energized, driven, and/or confident, we may lack clarity (knowingly or unknowingly) when it comes to longer term initiatives and therefore still need to let things unfold over the coming month. However, this can still be a good time to follow instincts, motivations, and inspirations and see where it takes you.

The square between the New Moon and Jupiter can extend some of the themes of the previous Sagittarius season, although still different. It can bring an expansive quality to this lunation, however we can also overestimate things, overextend ourselves, exaggerate, or be excessive in certain ways. Conflicts between opinions, beliefs, judgements, or regarding morals can also be a theme.

This New Moon is also in a wide square with Chiron in Aries, while Mars retrograde also in a sextile with it. Some of the developments or actions that could have occurred in the days before this New Moon and/or in the coming weeks can be beneficial in addressing dilemmas, blockages, wounds, negative patterns or activating suppressed abilities, gifts and unique qualities. This can also be good for anything involving bridging, integrating, or combining different things together.

Mercury Going Retrograde In Capricorn Soon, In The Mix With Venus & Pluto

Mercury has been in its shadow period since December 12th and begins its retrograde on December 29th which will be completely in Capricorn. Certain things that have come up in recent weeks can play a part in helping you to make necessary adjustments and/or re-orientate your mind regarding the areas of your life being affected (based on your natal chart) and also to do with Capricorn themes (mentioned in the first section of this article). For some people, it may be connected to what has already been playing out over the last few months as a result of Mars Retrograde.

Mercury will begin its retrograde while in a tight conjunction with Venus which will both be close to Pluto. Issues, developments, or realizations pertaining to relationships, love, friends, values, money, pleasures, art, or aesthetics, are part of the kickstarting of this retrograde which can ultimately play a role towards adjustments or re-orientations over the following month.

During the period between December 28th until January 1st, as Venus travels from stationary Mercury and towards Pluto, it can be a time in which hidden matters may come to the surface. For some people there can also be a significant change around finances. Our relations with others may have intense, obsessive, highly passionate, demanding, or manipulating qualities at this time.

Making Intentions & Things To Consider

Are you feeling the need to experiment with new or revised approaches to anything?  Is there anything that you are doing that requires some sort of strategy? Has anything shifted for you in recent days, and if so, how can you best utilize it? What areas of your life are calling for you to be more bold? What can you do to be more masterful?

These are just some examples of what to consider or focus your intentions on at this time; however, it is good to reflect on anything else that is coming up for you. It is generally best to make any intentions within the first 24 hours following a New Moon. The exact moment of it will be occurring at 10:17am Universal Time on December 23rd. You can click here to see what that is in your time zone.

Written by astrologer Carmen Di Luccio

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