New Moon In Cancer: Confronting Wounds & Strengthening Bonds

We are having a New Moon in Cancer on July 5th, 2024, at 10:57 pm Universal Time, as the Sun and Moon join forces to mark the beginning of a new 29.5-day lunar cycle. This is initiating a 29.5 day lunar cycle that is ushering in different themes and planting seeds for the coming month. The astrological influences detailed in this article will be most potent over the next two weeks, culminating with a rare second Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st, 2024.

Cancer season, having started on June 20th/21st, is now being further energized by this New Moon. Cancer is the sign of home, family, and emotional security. It is associated with nurturing, caregiving, and deep emotional bonds. Ruled by the Moon, Cancer energy thrives on a sense of belonging, connecting to our roots, and tapping into our inner world. It emphasizes domestic life, instinctual nature, self-care, and ancestral connections. It is also associated with nostalgia and familiarity. 

With Venus co-present in Cancer in a wide conjunction during this New Moon, there is an added layer of affection in our close relationships. Venus in Cancer encourages us to express love and appreciation through caring actions, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere with those we hold dear. This alignment nurtures a sense of closeness and comfort in our relations that sustain us.

Interestingly, this New Moon will also be exactly aligned with Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. In a collective forecast context, the Sirius influence is about fostering ardor, faithfulness, custodianship, spiritual strength, and leadership. Its influence during this New Moon can manifest as passion, devotion, and achievement in things that we are involved with. It is also associated with prominence and influence, which can play out for us either individually or through our interactions with others. 

New Moon and Venus Square Lunar Nodes and Chiron,  Activating Themes of The Previous Total Solar Eclipse

This New Moon in Cancer will activate the themes reflected in the last Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th/9th. The influences of that eclipse could have begun as early as March for some people, and are affecting us until the next eclipse season in September/October. That powerful eclipse occurred in Aries and was exactly conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer, emphasizing shifts around themes pertaining to self-identity, personal needs, independence, courage, self-assertion, healing, vulnerabilities, negative patterns, recovery, teaching, bridging, or some sort of integrating. 

Combined with the Sirius and Cancerian influence, this can signify a time for spiritual growth, leadership, and self-care in relation to overcoming wounds and tapping into strengths. With Venus in the mix (and South Node in Libra) these themes can also be tied into relationships, values, pleasures, personal appearance, or money.

As the previous Solar Eclipse in Aries was aligned with the North Node, its energy emphasizes changes that can help us to step more so into our individuality and personal paths. This New Moon is square both the North Node (the future) and the South Node (the past) which can reflect a turning point in that regard. Letting go of what is no longer serving us and hindering our progress can make way for positive potentialities such as things and situations that are better for our growth and help us to move forward. When one door closes, another one opens, and this is a fertile time for this type of experience. 

The square to the lunar nodes further emphasizes the need for a recalibration between our past and our future, our comfort zones and our growth edges. As the nodes continue to traverse the Aries-Libra axis, we are urged to find a new type of balance or approach between self-assertion and cooperation, independence and co-dependence, as well individual needs and relationship needs. This New Moon (and all of Cancer season) serves as a checkpoint pushing us to align our focus with our life path, and to cultivate a better serving approach in our relations while still pursuing our personal goals.

New Moon Trine Saturn In Pisces, Sextile Mars Conjunct Uranus In Taurus

This lunation forms a trine with Saturn in Pisces with Mars also in a sextile with Saturn. This energy is strongest on July 4/5/6/7 and more so around July 10/11/12. This aspect can have a somewhat stabilizing effect in this fluid and emotionally fluctuating Cancerian landscape. This is supportive for anything that requires commitment, responsibility, discipline, long-term planning, or implementing healthy boundaries. Saturn is also newly retrograde which can also tie this energy into going back and revisiting things that were implemented, neglected, or overlooked in recent months.

The New Moon and Saturn’s sextile with Mars in Taurus supports actions that are practical, thorough, methodical, and sustaining. Mars in Taurus is slow, and can even be lazy, yet it is steadfast, patient, and persistent. However, it is moving towards a conjunction with Uranus which will also alter how the collective assertive energies are expressed. 

The Mars-Uranus conjunction is good for applying ourselves in ways that are innovative, unconventional, technological, and original. It can also be a time in which the potential for rebelliousness or breaking free from a situation can be heightened. This can compliment the North Node in Aries’ (as mentioned prior) push for stepping more into our individuality. This energy is strongest from July 14th-19th. 

Venus Sextile Uranus, Mercury Sextile Jupiter

On July 7/8/9, Venus in Cancer will be in a sextile aspect with Uranus in Taurus. This aspect can bring excitement, spontaneity, or unique experiences when it comes to our relationships and interactions. This can also be a good time to try new activities, making aesthetic changes to something, or exploring new creative possibilities. It can be a time of sudden and delightful surprises or perhaps even new opportunities. 

Simultaneously, Mercury in Leo forms a sextile with Jupiter in Gemini creating an expansive and optimistic influence on our thoughts and communications. Mercury in Leo is expressive and confident, while Jupiter in Gemini thrives on curiosity and the exchange of ideas. This sextile aspect enhances our ability to communicate effectively and think creatively, opening up new avenues for learning and connection. This can be good for sharing ideas with enthusiasm and confidence, seeing the bigger picture, and approaching our endeavors with optimism and a broad perspective.

Venus Trine Neptune, Then Opposite Pluto

On July 10/11/12, Venus (transitioning from Cancer to Leo) forms a harmonious trine with Neptune in Pisces. This aspect enhances sensitivity and compassion when it comes to relationships helping us to connect on a spiritual or empathic level. This is a wonderful time for romantic and artistic pursuits, as the energy of Neptune inspires us to see the beauty in everything and to express our feelings through creative outlets. This aspect supports healing and forgiveness, making it an excellent time to mend any rifts in our relationships and to deepen our connections with loved ones.

As Venus (now in Leo) moves away from its trine to Neptune in Pisces, it moves towards an opposition with Pluto in Aquarius on July 11/12/13 which is also partially overlapping with the Neptune aspect. This has the potential to bring transformative energies to our relationships and values, urging us to confront deep-seated issues and dynamics that may be hidden beneath the surface. This opposition can bring up themes of power and control in our relationships and can be both intense and dramatic. This dynamic can create situations where we must address imbalances or unresolved conflicts, perhaps related to power dynamics and authenticity.

Making Intentions & Things To Consider

What emotions have been prominent for you recently and is there anything that you can be doing to help you process your feelings better? What wounds, negative patterns, dilemmas, or vulnerabilities are coming up for you that need your attention and healing? What do you need to do in order to overcome these issues to help you step into your personal power? How can you incorporate better self-care into your life?

Do you need to recalibrate the balance between your personal needs and what your relationships ask of you? Are there any situations you need to break free from to foster your individuality and growth? What commitments or responsibilities need to be revisited or reassessed? How can you implement healthier boundaries or long-term plans that support your goals? What areas of your life could benefit from a fresh, innovative approach? How can you strengthen bonds with family or deepen your spiritual and emotional connections with loved ones? What can you do to improve your home environment and your inner emotional wellbeing?

These are just some examples of what to consider or focus your intentions on at this time; however, it is good to reflect on anything else that is coming up for you. It is generally best to make any intentions within the first 24 hours following a New Moon. The exact moment of this New Moon is at 10:57pm Universal Time on July 5th. You can click here to see what that is in your time zone.


Carmen Di Luccio is a practicing astrologer who has been studying astrology for 17 years and working with clients for 12 years. His forecast articles were featured in from 2015 until 2021 and were among the most read astrology content on the internet. Carmen has been a guest on many podcasts and other media throughout the years. He specializes in readings and consultations for individuals, businesses, and entrepreneurs to help them navigate the astrological influences and achieve greater alignment with the best version of themselves. 

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