Full Moon in Sagittarius: Exploring Truths

We are having a Full Moon in Sagittarius which will be exact on May 23rd at 1:53 PM Universal Time. This marks the peak of the lunar cycle that began two weeks prior with a New Moon in Taurus on May 7th/8th.The energies of a Full Moon gradually build up as the Moon increases its light and reaches its strongest during this lunar climax. It is most noticeable on the day of, and in the days before and after. However, the influence of this Full Moon will still be part of the  backdrop over the following two weeks during the waning period of the lunar cycle.

Full Moons are a period in which we feel a push-pull between two opposing signs, in this case, the Moon in Sagittarius and the Sun in Gemini. This opposition can reflect either a conflict and/or integration of both signs’ energies. We can feel this opposition manifesting within ourselves, and/or we might see it play out around us with some people or circumstances expressing the Gemini side and others embodying the Sagittarius side. In some cases, Full Moons can also trigger a release or significant change.

Full Moon In Sagittarius Opposing Sun In Gemini & Sextile Pluto In Aquarius

The Sun entered Gemini on May 20th/21st, marking its annual journey through this versatile and communicative sign. Gemini is associated with curiosity, adaptability, learning, social interactions, information, facts, and the exchange of ideas. It is intellectual, versatile, witty, youthful, lively, and quick-witted. However, Gemini can also be scattered, inconsistent, superficial, restless, and prone to overthinking.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius will be highlighting themes of exploration, truth-seeking, higher learning, and adventure, creating a dynamic interplay with the Sun in Gemini. Sagittarius is the sign of optimism, freedom, travel, foreign lands, philosophy, morals, and the quest for meaning. It is enthusiastic, generous, straightforward, adventurous, and philosophical. It represents higher education, media, sales, and marketing. On the downside, Sagittarius can be overly blunt, opinionated, reckless, excessive, dogmatic, and prone to exaggeration.

Adding to the energy of this Full Moon is its harmonious sextile to Pluto which is tightly configured to the Sun-Moon opposition in a supportive way. It can bring in themes of depth, power, resilience, and psychological matters. Pluto encourages introspection, looking beneath the surface, and applying ourselves with strength and determination.

Pluto’s sextile aspect with the Sagittarian Full Moon, and trine to the Gemini Sun, can help in uncovering information, fostering deeper understandings, or receiving powerful insights. This influence encourages us to tap into our inner strength, overcome obstacles, and apply ourselves with determination. 

Another side of this to consider is that this aspect helps to harmonize the opposition between the Sun and Moon, creating a flow of energy that can help us in integrating the big picture with the details, international with local, the distant with the immediate, the teacher with the student, the content creator with the audience, or the marketer with the potential customer. With Pluto in Aquarius, this aspect can also tie in some Aquarian themes as well. It can inspire us to embrace new ideas, challenge outdated perspectives, as well as integrate innovative approaches or new technology. 

Jupiter Sextile Neptune With Venus Joining In

From May 19th to 28th, and during the Full Moon, Sagittarius’ ruler Jupiter (mostly in Taurus and moving into Gemini) is in a harmonious sextile with Neptune in Pisces. This can create an energy that encourages us to dream big and strive for our ideals. This aspect connects the expansive, visionary, and optimistic nature of Jupiter with Neptune’s dreamy, creative, and empathic qualities.

Jupiter can bring opportunities for, or developments around, growth, abundance, learning, and exploration around Neptunian themes of spirituality, mysticism, imagination, the arts, or visual media. This alignment supports a greater sense of compassion, empathy, and idealism, helping us to look beyond trivial concerns and consider the more meaningful aspects of life. 

Adding to this energy, Venus is conjunct Jupiter from May 22/23/24 which can amplify the positive influence of this sextile. Venus, the planet of love, beauty, values, pleasures, relations, and harmony, enhances our appreciation for the finer things in life and encourages us to seek out joy and connection in our relationships and creative pursuits.

The Jupiter-Neptune sextile with Venus in the mix, creates a potentially powerful time for tapping into our creativity, receiving inspiration, and pursuing our dreams with a sense of optimism and enthusiasm. With Jupiter and Venus being mostly placed in Taurus during this aspect, it encourages us to blend our practical efforts with our ideals, making it an excellent period for pursuing aspirations and bringing some magic into our lives. Whether through artistic endeavors, spiritual practices, or nurturing our relationships, this alignment can support us in finding some sort of fulfillment. 

Jupiter Going Into Gemini

Jupiter moves into Gemini on May 25th/26th after being in Taurus for the last year. It will stay there until June 2025. During its stay in Gemini, Jupiter can enhance our desire for knowledge and learning as it can be an excellent period for emphasizing education. Gemini’s influence encourages us to engage in a variety of subjects, explore different perspectives, expand in a linguistic way, and communicate our ideas. This can also be a good time for exploration in our local neighborhoods or regions that are closer to home. This period may even bring growth around relationships with those we are familiar with from the earlier part of our lives or those within our immediate vicinity. 

Jupiter’s expansive nature affecting the realm of Gemini, in combination with other activity in the Aquarian realm, can lead to significant increase in usage and developments around technology in the areas of information, communication, and language. This is something that has already been happening but this configuration can accelerate it very much so. Gemini is also associated with local commuting, and perhaps this can also be a period in which we can see expansive developments in these areas.

While Jupiter’s transit through Gemini can bring benefits to the areas mentioned, it’s important to recognize that Jupiter is also in detriment in Gemini. Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, has overarching qualities and is associated with broad visions, long-term planning, and big-picture thinking. In contrast, Gemini, ruled by Mercury, is more oriented around details, immediate tasks/experiences, everyday interactions, as well as more variety when it comes to interests and information. This means that Jupiter’s expansive nature can get more easily scattered and overwhelmed in a Gemini environment, although it can still have its benefits as mentioned.

Venus Trine Pluto, Mercury Sextile Saturn

Venus will form a trine with Pluto from May 24/25/26. This harmonious aspect brings together the energies of love, beauty, pleasures, and harmony with the transformative and evolutionary influence of Pluto. This can deepen our connections, intensify our passions, and potentially manifest as powerful experiences within our relationships. It is a time when superficial interactions are less satisfying, and we seek more meaningful and authentic connections. 

For some people this can have financial benefits as Pluto’s influence can help us uncover hidden resources or bring about opportunities through others. As Venus is also the sign of values, we may find ourselves looking at what is truly important to us and what brings deeper fulfillment and meaning. For those engaged in creative projects, the combination of Venus’s artistic sensibilities and Pluto’s depth can lead to powerful and impactful expressions. This can also be a good time for making positive cosmetic changes to something, especially anything that involves information or relational activities.

As Venus will be in Gemini (along with other planets) and Pluto will be in Aquarius, this aspect will emphasize the social, intellectual, and communicative qualities of the Air element. Venus in Gemini can bring curious, adaptable, and socially interactive energies to this aspect while Pluto in Aquarius in this context could tie in communal, networking, technological, or innovative developments into this aspect.

On May 27/28, Mercury in Taurus will form a sextile with Saturn in Pisces, creating an aspect that harmoniously connects Mercury’s mental and communicative energy with Saturn’s committed and structured influence. This can bring a grounded, practical, and productive approach to our thoughts, ideas, conversations, or anything that we are putting our minds towards. 

Mercury sextile Saturn is a favorable time for mental focus and concentration. Saturn’s stabilizing influence helps to concentrate our thoughts, and combined with Mercury in Taurus, allows for more thorough and methodical thinking. This aspect is excellent for tasks that require careful planning, attention to detail, and precision. It’s an ideal time to tackle anything that requires perseverance and practicality. Considering the signs they are in, this energy can also be supportive for creative or artistic efforts.

Mars Conjunct Chiron, Mercury Conjunct Uranus

Mars in Aries will be in a conjunction with Chiron on May 28/29/30/31, which can activate themes of the previous Solar Eclipse as it was also conjunct Chiron, a few degrees away from this aspect.  The planet of action, drive, assertiveness, masculine energy, and courage, aligns with the ‘wounded healer’,  which is associated with healing, vulnerabilities, negative patterns, and spiritual gifts. 

Mars conjunct Chiron can be a supportive time for us to take courageous steps towards our healing journey. It’s a time when we might feel compelled to address issues we’ve been avoiding, using Mars’ assertive energy to face our vulnerabilities head-on. Mars is extra strong here as it is in its home sign of Aries, a sign in which it expresses itself at its best, with confidence, will, and drive. 

This aspect can poke at old wounds or flare up dilemmas, but it may also provide the impetus to overcome, shift, or transmute that which is obstructing us. This may also be a time in which issues involving other expressions of masculine energy can come up that may need to be addressed. The energy of Mars helps us to channel our pain into productive action, fostering resilience and a proactive approach to our healing.

Considering that there is an extra emphasis on stepping into Aries qualities in the longer term astrological backdrop due to the North Node and Eclipse being there, this aspect with Mars and Chiron can help to activate that and help us to embrace Aries qualities that we may have been avoiding or in ways that are more necessary at this point in our lives. This can be about being more initiating, assertive, independant, courageous, competitive, or bold. Taking care of our personal needs and fostering a strong sense of self-identity may be themes. It could even support a process of self-discovery. 

This can also be a time of asserting in other Chiron ways, such as teaching, providing healing support for others, taking some sort of action that is holistically oriented, creating bridges and connections, as well as problem solving or pursuing solutions. 

During the later part of the Mars-Chiron conjunction, Mercury will be in a conjunction with Uranus in Taurus. This aspect is known for sparking sudden insights, breakthroughs, and a heightened sense of mental stimulation. Mercury ruled areas such as communication, intellect, and information merge with Uranian themes like innovation, originality, freedom, rebellion, and experimentation. This can create a powerful combination that can lead to unexpected ideas and revolutionary thinking.

Mercury conjunct Uranus enhances our ability to think outside the box, encouraging us to embrace new perspectives and explore unconventional approaches. This is a time when our minds are inventive and receptive to flashes of inspiration. Communications during this aspect can be electrifying and stimulating often leading to surprising revelations and innovative solutions. However, it can also be a time in which unexpected developments could occur, plans could change, and in some cases there may even be a loss of some sort. It would be wise to be flexible during this period and embrace whatever comes up with no attachment to anything that may be disrupted or altered. 

This aspect combined with Mars conjunct Chiron can also have an awakening type of influence or help to liberate ourselves from blockages coming up as a result of Chiron’s influence. For some people it can even be about a change in mindset that can have a healing or empowering effect on us. 

Jupiter Trine Pluto, Mercury Joining In

Jupiter in Gemini will be in a harmonious trine with Pluto in Aquarius, from May 29th to June 6th, peaking on June 2nd/3rd. This is the second major transit involving Jupiter and outer planets since the Full Moon, which is not a common occurrence in this short of a time frame. The other one is the previous Jupiter sextile Neptune transit mentioned earlier in the article, however, this one is more potent and will stand out more. 

Jupiter themes of growth, exploration, and learning, are harmoniously collaborating with Pluto themes of depth, transformation, regeneration, and psychological matters. The energy of Jupiter trine Pluto can also bring about significant changes in our beliefs and perspectives. We may find ourselves more open to exploring deeper truths and seeking out knowledge that leads to profound insights. This can be a time of some sort of learning or revealing around things that are hidden or not easily visible. 

This aspect supports ambitious endeavors, making it an excellent time to take steps towards long-term plans, projects, or investments that require strategic planning, have good financial potential, or could involve communication. It can also be beneficially potent for anything that involves media, marketing, or sales. With Pluto in Aquarius, the potential developments mentioned that may occur could be tied into new technology and innovations.

Adding to this energy, Mercury (ruler of Gemini and at home in Gemini) will join the alignment on June 3/4/5 as it conjuncts Jupiter while both trine Pluto simultaneously. Mercury, being a faster moving ‘inner planet’ makes the ‘outer planet’ aspect of Jupiter and Pluto more apparent and immediate during this window. It can play out as both mental overwhelm along with mental empowerment. Ultimately it is an incredible time for some sort of meaningful learning/teaching and the acquiring/sharing of knowledge that could have real benefits. For some, this could also manifest as a profound shift through new understanding that could affect how we think or communicate. 

Venus Superior Conjunction

On June 4th/5th, 2024, Venus will reach its superior conjunction, marking a significant point in its synodic cycle with the Sun. This occurs when Venus is directly on the opposite side of the Sun from Earth, aligning perfectly in the sky. This aspect is a culmination and renewal of Venus themes and ruled areas. It symbolizes a ‘purification’ or ‘transmutation’ of Venus as it passes through the Sun’s purifying light and begins to move ahead of it. 

This period initiates the next phase of Venus’ cycle and we can experience this as the next chapter of certain Venus related developments and happenings that have been playing out since mid-August up until this point. Venus governs friendships, social interactions, love, relationships, romance, feminine energy, values, money, beauty, aesthetic design, artistic pursuits, and pleasures. As Venus starts to travel ahead of the Sun from June 4th/5th onward, we should gain increased clarity, have further realizations, or feel a renewed sense of purpose regarding these areas.

It can be a time to solidify Venus related changes that have been playing out in the last 10 months. It can be about taking that next step, perhaps committing to new directions, and to embrace more ideal and fitting situations, mainly pertaining to matters of love, friendships, and values, but also potentially in the other areas mentioned in the prior paragraph.

Due to the previous retrograde (and inferior conjunction) occurring in Leo, and this conjunction occurring in Gemini, it can tie in themes pertaining to Venus in these signs. The retrograde in Leo could have emphasized matters connected to self-expression, creativity, romance, children, leadership, personal pride, ego, what we do for fun, and how we seek validation and admiration from others. During that period, we could have experienced situations that made us reassess these areas and approaches, and confront or reflect on insecurities or imbalances. 

Now, with the superior conjunction occurring in Gemini, these themes take on a new dimension. Gemini’s influence brings a focus on communication, intellectual engagement, adaptability, and the exchange of ideas. It prompts us to express our creative and romantic ideas more freely, to engage in conversations that foster understanding and connection, and to be open to new perspectives and approaches.The Gemini part of this cycle emphasizes the importance of dialogue and mental flexibility in our relationships and creative pursuits. This period supports networking, learning, and sharing information, helping us to build connections that are both intellectually and emotionally fulfilling.

Things To Consider

In what ways should you be integrating the expansive and visionary energy of Sagittarius with the detail and information oriented nature of Gemini in your life? Are you holding onto any beliefs, perspectives, or views that are now showing to be outdated or untrue? Are there aspects of your life where you need to apply more resilience and determination? What steps can you take to address and heal past wounds or vulnerabilities? How can you assert your needs and embrace your personal power more confidently? Do you need to take a more meaningful approach in some way when it comes to matters of love or friendships? What new approaches can you adopt to enhance your relationships and creative pursuits? How have your views on self-expression, fun, pleasure, and creativity evolved? 

These are just some examples of themes that could come up during this period; however, there may be other variations of this energy playing out as well. If you wish to do any sort of intentional release connected to what has come up, it is best to do so during the waning period of the lunar cycle after the Full Moon’s peak. The exact moment of the peak is at 1:53 PM Universal Time on May 23rd. You can click here to see what that is in your time zone.


Carmen Di Luccio is a practicing astrologer who has been studying astrology for 17 years and working with clients for 12 years. His forecast articles were featured in Collective-Evolution.com from 2015 until 2021 and were among the most read astrology content on the internet. Carmen has been a guest on many podcasts and other media throughout the years. He specializes in readings and consultations for individuals, businesses, and entrepreneurs to help them navigate the astrological influences and achieve greater alignment with the best version of themselves. 

Carmen’s Instagram

6 thoughts on “Full Moon in Sagittarius: Exploring Truths”

  1. This article is jammed packed with inspiration and opportunities for the end of May and beyond.
    Thank you Carmen.

  2. Hi Carmen! 🙂 It had been a while since I read something from you (not sure what you were doing but I had my head stuck in some places so may have missed activity from you 😉 ). Thank you for this amazingly complete description of these energies! It does make a lot of sense and, as always, gives the extra help when we may feel a bit overwhelmed or unsure? Doubtful ? 🤔 I’ll have to read your article at least two more times. Merci, merci <3 Take care, Nathalie

  3. Carmen, what a wonderful surprise to see your newsletter in my inbox! I really enjoyed all your insightful previous ones, and very happy to be receiving them once again!

    Feeling like June is going to be an extra special month for me so looking forward to it! Namaste!

    Joy, love and peace, Deborah

  4. So great to receive your newsletter and all this wonderful astrological information. I resubmitted my name on the mailing list to make sure I continue to receive future communications. Thank you so much for your wonderful astrologial insights. Be blessed………


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