Full Moon In Capricorn: Transformative Ambitions & Emotional Depths

We are having a Full Moon in Capricorn, which will be exact on July 21st at 10:17 AM Universal Time. This falls on the evening/night of July 20th in the West and the night of July 21st in the East. This marks the peak of the lunar cycle that began two weeks prior with a New Moon in Cancer. The energies of a Full Moon gradually build up as the Moon increases its light and reaches its strongest during this lunar climax. It is most noticeable on the day of, and in the days before and after. The astrological influences of the Full Moon, and other aspects detailed in this article, will be for the next two weeks during the waning period of this lunar cycle.

Full Moons are a period in which we feel a push-pull between two opposing signs, in this case, the Moon in Capricorn and the Sun in Cancer. This opposition can reflect either a conflict and/or integration of both signs’ energies. We can feel this opposition manifesting within ourselves, and/or we might see it play out around us with some people or circumstances expressing the Cancerian side and others embodying the Capricorn side. In some cases, Full Moons can also trigger a release or significant change. This particular Full Moon is the second consecutive Full Moon in Capricorn, sometimes referred to as a ‘zodiacal blue moon.’ Additionally, this is a season (between the last solstice and the next equinox) in which their will be four Full Moons instead of three. Traditionally, the third one (in a season of four) is referred to a ‘seasonal blue moon’ which will be the next one.

Full Moon In Capricorn Conjunct Pluto Opposing Sun In Cancer

This Full Moon is at the tail end of Capricorn and will be conjunct Pluto in Aquarius. Capricorn is the sign of ambition, career, responsibilities, management, and structure. Pluto’s influence brings depth, intensity, and a potential for transformation and regeneration. Pluto is also associated with mysteries, hidden matters, purging, fears, conspiracies, obsessions, and shadows. Both Capricorn and Pluto share themes of power and control. Capricorn is also about business and Pluto in Aquarius represents technological and social changes. 

Opposing the Sun at the end of Cancer, this Full Moon highlights a tension between the themes mentioned above and our need for emotional security and nurturing. This opposition can bring to light the areas in our lives where we need to find a balance between our work and personal spheres. The Sun in Cancer emphasizes home, family, emotional connections, and a sense of belonging and comfort. The Sun enters Leo less than 24 hours after this Full Moon, but Cancerian themes in relation to this Full Moon dynamic will still be part of the backdrop through the waning Moon phase.

Full Moon With Pluto Sextile Neptune, Trine Mars and Trine Uranus

The Full Moon will also be forming a sextile with Neptune in Pisces, potentially infusing the atmosphere with a touch of imagination, dreaminess, compassion, and spiritual insight. Neptune’s influence can help soften the intensity of the Pluto conjunction, allowing for a more empathetic and fluid approach to any potential issues that may arise. 

The Full Moon is also trine Mars, which has just entered Gemini. This trine brings an assertive, energetic, and action-oriented influence to the mix. Mars’s energy promotes dynamic interactions, quick thinking, and a drive to take action on our ideas. This is also tied into the Mars Trine Pluto aspect which is occurring July 20/21/22/23. The trine is great for pursuing goals and supports taking strategic, persistent, and determined actions.

The Full Moon is also in a separating trine with Uranus in Taurus, adding an element of innovation and surprise to the mix. This energy was stronger in the week leading up to the Full Moon and is feeding into it. This trine can bring insights, new discoveries, excitement, breakthroughs, taking new approaches to things, unique experiences, or freeing something up. 

Venus Sextile Jupiter, Mercury In Pre-Retrograde Shadow Square Uranus

During this Full Moon, Venus in Leo will form a sextile with Jupiter in Gemini on July 20/21/22, creating an expansive and joyful atmosphere. Themes of love, creativity, friendships, beauty, and harmony intertwine with energies of exploration, growth, abundance, beliefs, and education. This aspect is favorable for road trips, enjoyable learning, artistic pursuits, romantic engagements, and any activities that bring pleasure. The energy is light-hearted, optimistic, and supportive of positive interactions and opportunities.

Simultaneously, Mercury in Leo is square Uranus in Taurus July 20/21/22/23 yet its energy started building up since July 17th. This challenging aspect can bring unexpected news, sudden changes, or disruptions in communication and/or commuting. Mercury, the planet of communication and thought, clashing with Uranus, the planet of innovation and surprise, urges us to stay flexible and open-minded. This period may test our ability to adapt quickly and think on our feet. The square can also stimulate ideas and innovative solutions, but it requires us to navigate potential misunderstandings or technological hiccups carefully. This energy will continue to play out as part of the backdrop until early September 7th, as Mercury is going retrograde and will be returning to this aspect during that time and following. 

Mercury is currently slowing down before changing motion on August 4th/5th. It entered its pre-retrograde shadow phase on July 16th/17th and since then some of the themes and developments that are coming up will continue to play out or be revisited during the retrograde. As we get closer to August 4th/5th, we may start noticing delays, communication problems, things needing to be fixed. We may also begin to reconsider things or can be faced with some issues that will require adjustments over the coming month and a half. 

Sun Opposite Pluto, Sextile Mars

On July 22nd to 24th, the Sun in Leo will oppose Pluto in Aquarius. This opposition triggers the Plutonian themes of the Full Moon and highlights a powerful dynamic between the vibrant, expressive energy of Leo and the transformative, intense energy of Pluto. This aspect can bring to the surface issues related to power, control, hidden matters, manipulation, and deep-seated emotions. We may experience conflict or can be rubbed the wrong way. It may push us to confront our shadows which can potentially contribute to personal growth or understanding. This period can bring challenges, but it also offers an opportunity for insights or deeper understanding. 

Following this, from July 24th to 27th, the Sun in Leo will form a sextile with Mars in Gemini. This harmonious aspect fosters a dynamic and energetic interplay between the Sun’s creative, life-affirming energy and Mars’s assertive, action-oriented drive. The sextile enhances our ability to take bold, decisive actions with confidence and enthusiasm. It is an excellent time for pursuing our goals, initiating new projects, and expressing our true selves with vigor and authenticity.

These aspects also tie into the Mars trine Pluto aspect mentioned earlier. The combined energies of the Sun, Mars, and Pluto create a potent force for harnessing our willpower and determination to achieve our aspirations. This period is marked by a heightened sense of motivation and the pursuit of overcome obstacles with strategic, persistent actions.

Mercury Quincunx Neptune, Venus Quincunx Saturn, Mercury Quincunx Pluto

During the period from July 24th to 28th, several quincunx aspects add layers of complexity and adjustment. From July 24th to 26th, the pre-retrograde Mercury, positioned on the cusp of Leo and Virgo, will form a quincunx with Neptune in Pisces. This aspect can create a sense of confusion or miscommunication as Mercury’s precise and analytical nature clashes with Neptune’s dreamy and elusive energy. During this time, it may be challenging to distinguish between reality and illusion, making it essential to double-check details and seek clarity in our interactions.

Overlapping with this, Venus in Leo will form a quincunx with Saturn in Pisces on July 26/27. This aspect highlights a tension between pleasures, love, and creative expression and the need for discipline, commitment, structure, and responsibility. We may find ourselves navigating challenges in relationships or creative projects that require adjustments and compromises. This period can call for finding a way to juggle or harmonize relationship matters with our obligations, or perhaps fostering a mature approach to our desires and connections.

Additionally, from July 25th to 28th, the pre-retrograde Mercury in Virgo will form a quincunx with Pluto in Aquarius. This aspect can bring intensity, obsessiveness, or conflicts that can create challenges in our thoughts, mental focus, or communication. This can also be a period in which we may have suspicions that we are not clear on, or there may be something hidden that is affecting our perception around something that may come up in the following month. It is important to be cautious during this period (even starting from the 24th) as there is a higher probability of being swindled, manipulated, or deceived.  

Venus Trine Chiron, Sun and Mars Aspects To Nodes, Venus Square Uranus

From July 29th to 31st, Venus in Leo will trine Chiron in Aries, creating an opportunity for healing, growth, and finding solutions in matters pertaining to relationships, values, and creative pursuits. This aspect encourages us to embrace vulnerability and improve our understanding around issues related to love, self-worth, and personal expression. This can also be a time in which different relationships, or different aspects of relationships, can come together in a supportive way.

From July 30th to August 3rd, the Sun and Mars will form harmonious aspects with the lunar nodes, creating a powerful period for aligning with our true purpose and making meaningful progress. The Sun in Leo will trine the North Node in Aries and sextile the South Node in Libra from July 30th to August 1st, while Mars in Gemini will trine the South Node in Libra and sextile the North Node in Aries from July 31st to August 3rd.

This combination of energies brings a sense of destiny and purpose, highlighting our path forward and the lessons we need to integrate from the past. The Sun’s trine to the North Node encourages us to step into our leadership and embrace our individuality, while the sextile to the South Node suggests that we can draw upon our past experiences and relationships to support our growth. 

Simultaneously, Mars’s action-oriented energy harmonizes with the karmic nodes, providing a boost to our efforts in releasing old patterns and embracing new directions. The trine to the South Node helps us utilize our past experiences and skills effectively, while the sextile to the North Node encourages bold, courageous actions that align with our true path. This period is excellent for aligning our actions with our true purpose and moving confidently toward our goals, supported by a blend of reflective insights and decisive actions.

On August 2nd/3rd, Venus in Leo will square Uranus in Taurus, which can bring unexpected changes and disruptions in our relationships, fun activities, creative/aesthetic projects, or financial situations. This can manifest as sudden shifts, revelations, separation, or the need to break free from restrictive situations. While this aspect can feel unsettling, it can also have an exciting side to it and can bring unusual experiences. Considering that this aspect is occurring days before Mercury goes retrograde, there is a high probability of appointments, dates, or meet ups being canceled or postponed. 

Things To Consider

How can you balance the ambitious, career-oriented energy of Capricorn with the nurturing, emotional focus of Cancer in your life? Are there areas where your need for control and power may be creating tension or preventing growth? How can you embrace the transformative potential of this Full Moon to release old patterns and step into a new phase of personal and professional development? In what ways can you soften intense situations with compassion and empathy? How can you navigate challenges more fluidly? Where can you apply assertiveness and dynamic action to achieve your goals? Are there opportunities for strategic, persistent efforts that can lead to significant progress? What innovative approaches can you adopt to bring fresh energy and excitement into your projects and relationships? Is there anything playing out currently that is showing a need for adjustment in how you express yourself, how you apply creativity, how you love, how you serve, or how get your work done?

These are just some examples of themes that could come up during this period; however, there may be other variations of this energy playing out as well. If you wish to do any sort of intentional release connected to what has come up, it is best to do so during the waning period of the lunar cycle after the Full Moon’s peak. This article has been published hours after the peak of the Full Moon and is already in its waning phase. 


Carmen Di Luccio is a practicing astrologer who has been studying astrology for 17 years and working with clients for 12 years. His forecast articles were featured in Collective-Evolution.com from 2015 until 2021 and were among the most read astrology content on the internet. Carmen has been a guest on many podcasts and other media throughout the years. He specializes in readings and consultations for individuals, businesses, and entrepreneurs to help them navigate the astrological influences and achieve greater alignment with the best version of themselves. 

4 thoughts on “Full Moon In Capricorn: Transformative Ambitions & Emotional Depths”

  1. Thanks for your latest “psychic weather forecast!” Now I feel confident that I can successfully negotiate any upcoming mental turbulence as well as take advantage of this special window of opportunity to study and absorb enlightening magickal information.

    The words that enlighten the soul are more precious than jewels. — Hazarat Inayat Khan.


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