Full Moon In Capricorn: Balancing Ambitions With Nourishing Relations

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We are having a Full Moon in Capricorn, which will be exact on June 22nd at 11:08 AM Universal Time which falls on the evening/night of June 21st in the Americas. This marks the peak of the lunar cycle that began two weeks prior with a New Moon in Gemini on June 6th. The energies of a Full Moon gradually build up as the Moon increases its light and reaches its strongest during this lunar climax. It is most noticeable on the day of, and in the days before and after. The astrological influences of the Full Moon, and other aspects detailed in this article, will be for the next two weeks during the waning period of this lunar cycle.

Full Moons are a period in which we feel a push-pull between two opposing signs, in this case, the Moon in Capricorn and the Sun in Cancer. This opposition can reflect either a conflict and/or integration of both signs’ energies. We can feel this opposition manifesting within ourselves, and/or we might see it play out around us with some people or circumstances expressing the Cancerian side and others embodying the Capricorn side. In some cases, Full Moons can also trigger a release or significant change.

Full Moon In Capricorn Opposing Sun, Venus, Mercury In Cancer

The Sun entered Cancer the day before this Full Moon, on the Solstice, marking its annual journey through this nurturing and protective sign. Cancer is associated with the home, family, and emotional security. It is intuitive, empathetic, nurturing, protective, comforting and seeks a sense of belonging. However, Cancer can also be overly sensitive, clingy, moody, and resistant to change, often retreating into its shell when faced with conflict.

The Full Moon in Capricorn will highlight themes of ambition, structure, responsibility, and long-term goals, creating an interplay with the Sun, Venus, and Mercury in Cancer. Capricorn is the sign of discipline, hard work, material security, and perseverance. It is practical, grounded, and determined, often focusing on achieving tangible results and climbing the proverbial mountain to success. Capricorn represents authority, career, and societal roles, bringing a serious and mature energy. Negatively, Capricorn energy can be overly rigid, emotionally detached, controlling, and prone to workaholic tendencies.

With the Moon in Capricorn opposing the Sun, Venus, and Mercury in Cancer, we can experience a push-pull dynamic between our ambitions and personal life. Venus being in the Cancer side of this polarity enhances our desire for emotional connection, love, and nurturing relationships, emphasizing the importance of family and close bonds. Mercury also on the Cancer side brings a focus on heartfelt communications, encouraging us to express our feelings and connect on an emotional level. This opposition can reflect a conflict or integration of these energies. Both of these signs appreciate tradition and seek security, with Capricorn being more material oriented and Cancer being more emotional oriented. Considering that the Moon (in Capricorn) is the ruler of Cancer, an integration of these energies can come more easily with a slight emphasis on Capricorn. 

Full Moon Square Neptune In Pisces, Trine Mars In Taurus

The Full Moon in Capricorn opposite the Sun in Cancer forms a square with Neptune in Pisces, making it a T-square. This aspect brings another element to the oppositional energies of the Sun and Moon as it can lead to misunderstandings, escapism, intoxication, or delusion. However, it can also soften the oppositional energies of the Sun and Moon as it can add compassion, fluidity, and empathy to this dynamic. This may also be supportive for pursuits or activities that are imaginative, spiritual, artistic, or idealistic. Neptune is also slowing down as it will be going retrograde on July 2nd. As it gets closer to that date, its energies will become increasingly prominent which will be discussed further in the article. 

The Full Moon also forms a harmonious trine with Mars in Taurus which can help to balance out the Neptunian energy with a more grounding and productive influence that meshes well with the Capricorn emphasis. Mars provides an assertive energy, and with it being in Taurus, its approach can be slow yet also steady, determined, methodical, and practical. Despite the Neptune influence, this can help us to channel our ambitions into tangible actions and to take concrete steps toward our goals. Mercury is in an exact sextile with Mars at the time of this Full Moon which reinforces this energy and helps to harmonize our thoughts with our actions. 

Capricorn Ruler Saturn Is Going Stationary Retrograde

At the time of Full Moon, Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, is slowing down as it is approaching a stationary phase transitioning into retrograde motion while in Pisces. The energies of the stationary Saturn will be strong for approximately two weeks from this Full Moon until the next New Moon on July 5/6. However it will be most prominent closer to June 29/30 which is when this planet will come to a complete stop and gradually begin to move in retrograde motion. 

When it stations, its energies become more prominent with themes such as responsibilities, commitments, long term goals, life lessons, discipline, maturity, tradition, limitations, boundaries, structures, constructing, elderly people, or authority figures. With it being in Pisces, it could also involve things pertaining to Pisces which will be covered in the next section on Neptune stationary retrograde in the same sign.

Considering that it is going retrograde (as opposed to stationary direct), it can be more reflective in consideration of these themes or something can come up that may signal a different direction. It can also be a period where our less significant experiences in the external world can involve restrictions, delays, obstructions, or obstacles.

Saturn will be retrograde until November 15/16, when it will go stationary direct. This retrograde over the coming months will be connected to the themes of this planet (as mentioned above) in relation to matters that have been playing out since November 2023. It can also involve revisiting and/or fixing things that have either been put in place, come up, or have been neglected since late March. During this period, Saturn will be in a square with Jupiter in Gemini, with Saturn in the stronger position. We may face challenges that require us to make changes, consolidate, or cut things out in certain areas of our lives where we are being too excessive or overreaching.

Neptune Going Stationary Retrograde

Overlapping with Saturn’s stationary period, Neptune will also be going stationary which will heighten its energies in the period between June 25th to July 9th, especially closer to when it begins retrograde on July 2nd. It is also occurring in Pisces with Neptune being a planetary counterpart to this sign. Neptune themes such as creativity, spirituality, artistry, compassion, imagination, psychedelics, illusions, idealism, and escapism can be prominent at this time which may require some reflection. We may also experience heightened sensitivity, confusion, uncertainty, or even deception during this period, so it would be wise to be cautious. 

With Saturn also stationing retrograde in the same sign of Pisces, within days of Neptune, there can also be a connection between the two. Both Pisces and Neptune are boundless, leaky, dreamy, and escape seeking. Perhaps with Saturn in the mix, there can be a theme around implementing boundaries, discipline, or being more realistic with these types of issues if need be. It can also be about reflecting on how to actualize or materialize our dreams, inspirations, or creative pursuits. Neptune will be retrograde until December 7/8, therefore over these coming months it can be a time in which we are revisiting things connected to the themes of this planet that have been playing out since the first half of March. 

Mercury Trine Saturn, Venus Sextile Mars, Mercury Sextile Uranus

On June 26/27, Mercury in Cancer will form a harmonious trine with Saturn in Pisces three days before Saturn goes retrograde. This aspect brings a productive, realistic, and stabilizing energy to our thoughts and communications. The Mercury-Saturn trine is an excellent time for planning and organizing, making it an ideal period for working on long-term goals. This aspect supports patience and careful consideration when it comes to mental tasks. 

Communications with others can involve responsibilities, commitments, and work. Also, considering that Saturn is near stationary retrograde during this transit, these potential manifestations can also have a reflective nature or pertain to a shift in direction. This is occurring in the water signs of Cancer and Pisces, which can bring themes pertaining to family, compassionate pursuits, or deeper emotional connections with others. 

Venus in Cancer forms a sextile with Mars in Taurus on June 27/28/29/30. This aspect brings a harmonious energy to relationships, creativity, and social interactions. Venus represents love, beauty, and harmony, while Mars embodies passion, drive, and assertiveness. The sextile between these two planets creates a supportive interplay between desire and action, enhancing our ability to connect with others in meaningful and enjoyable ways.

This Venus-Mars sextile can be a great time for meeting new people that we feel a good connection with, deepening existing relationships, romance, and pursuing creative projects. It supports integrating artistry, aesthetic pursuits, desires, love, values, and relations with action that is steady, determined, patient, or practical. This aspect will also be occurring as Saturn is about to station, so it may also be a connection with those themes as well. 

On June 29/30, Mercury in Cancer will form a sextile with Uranus in Taurus. Mercury ruled areas such as communication, intellect, and information will connect with Uranian themes like innovation, originality, freedom, and experimentation. This combination can lead to new ideas, insights, positive surprises, and revolutionary thinking.

Mercury sextile Uranus enhances our ability to think outside the box. This can be good for acquiring new perspectives, forward-thinking,  as well as exploring new technology or unconventional approaches. This is a time when our minds are inventive and receptive to flashes of inspiration. Communications during this aspect can be electrifying and stimulating, and can lead to surprises, revelations and innovative solutions. Things pertaining to science, metaphysics, or astrology might also come up during this period. Also, just like the previous astrological aspects covered, this will be occurring as Saturn is stationary and therefore there may be a connection between these energies and how they manifest in our lives. 

Mercury Trine Neptune, Venus Trine Saturn, Mercury Opposite Pluto

On July 1/2, Mercury in Cancer forms a harmonious trine with Neptune in Pisces, coinciding with Neptune’s stationary phase as it begins its retrograde motion. This aspect brings a gentle and imaginative energy to our thoughts and communications. Mercury in Cancer emphasizes emotional intelligence and heartfelt conversations, while Neptune in Pisces enhances our intuition, creativity, and spiritual insights.

The Mercury-Neptune trine is an ideal time for engaging in artistic endeavors, spiritual practices, and compassionate conversations. This aspect supports empathetic communication and intuitive understanding, allowing us to connect with others on a deeper, more meaningful level. It’s a perfect period for expressing our creative ideas, exploring our dreams, and tapping into our inner wisdom. This will be occurring while Neptune is stationary and changing motion, and therefore what comes during this transit can be connected to that energy and can have a reflective or shifting quality. 

Venus in Cancer forms a supportive trine with a newly retrograde Saturn in Pisces on July 2/3. This aspect brings stability and a sense of responsibility to our relationships and financial matters. Venus represents love, beauty, and values, while Saturn symbolizes discipline, structure, and long-term commitments.

The Venus-Saturn trine encourages us to take a mature and thoughtful approach to our relationships. It’s a favorable time for positive development around commitments, setting healthy boundaries, and working towards long-term goals with loved ones. This aspect supports building or nurturing lasting connections based on mutual respect and shared values. This aspect will be occurring days after Saturn goes retrograde and will very likely be tied into those themes as this is a Saturn aspect. It is also overlapping with Neptune’s station which might also be connected to how this manifests for us. 

On July 2/3, Mercury will be in Leo opposing Pluto in Aquarius, bringing an intense and transformative energy to our communications and thoughts. This opposition can highlight power dynamics, fears, and conflicts with others. The Mercury-Pluto opposition may bring challenging conversations and the need to confront underlying issues that have been buried or ignored. It can be a time for digging deep and uncovering the root causes of problems.

Mercury in Leo emphasizes bold, expressive, and creative communication, while the opposing Pluto in Aquarius represents social and technological changes. Navigating this energy requires a balance between the expressive, dramatic flair of Mercury in Leo and the intense, deep, and transformative energy of Pluto. Just like the previous transits mentioned, our experience of this energy might be connected to the themes of the newly retrograde planets that are near stationary. 

Things To Consider

How can you balance the ambitious, goal-oriented energy of Capricorn with the nurturing, emotional focus of Cancer in your life? Are there areas where you need to find a better balance between your professional aspirations and personal relationships? In what ways are the themes of responsibility, discipline, and structure playing out in your life? Are there commitments or long-term goals that require reevaluation or a more disciplined approach? Are your dreams and creative pursuits grounded in reality? Are there aspects of your life where you might be seeing things through rose-colored glasses? How can you make your inspirations more tangible? Are there areas where you need to implement boundaries to overcome leaking your energy or to prevent others from intruding on your time, space, and productivity? 

These are just some examples of themes that could come up during this period; however, there may be other variations of this energy playing out as well. If you wish to do any sort of intentional release connected to what has come up, it is best to do so during the waning period of the lunar cycle after the Full Moon’s peak which has already occurred at the time this article was published.


Carmen Di Luccio is a practicing astrologer who has been studying astrology for 17 years and working with clients for 12 years. His forecast articles were featured in Collective-Evolution.com from 2015 until 2021 and were among the most read astrology content on the internet. Carmen has been a guest on many podcasts and other media throughout the years. He specializes in readings and consultations for individuals, businesses, and entrepreneurs to help them navigate the astrological influences and achieve greater alignment with the best version of themselves. 

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